

我们拥有一支富有前瞻性的专业并购团队,为您打造全面的解决方案,助力您自信地处理并购进程中的复杂事宜——涵盖并购交 易中的买卖双方以及合作伙伴关系的构建。我们助您在整个交易周期中识别关键的风险和收益。


  • 准备投资概要
  • 经纪与接洽服务
  • 背景核查
  • 估值支持
  • 投招标与谈判支持
  • 起草保密协议、谅解备忘录、意向书
  • 交易架构设计
  • 财务优化
  • 法律审查
  • 人力资源审查
  • 财务审查
  • 税务评估
  • 网络安全分析
  • 转让协议的起草
  • 公司的变更事宜
  • 交易的申报工作
  • 收购会计处理
  • 财务报告的合并
  • 法律、税务、财务、人力资源和IT系统的整合
  • 财务策略咨询
  • 人力资源策略咨询
  • 合规监控
  • 调整方案
  • IT合规


如有问题,联系我们的 并购 团队



In the process of acquiring a Chinese company, an overseas health and wellness firm was unsure of the accuracy the target company’s financial statements and profitability status. A comprehensive due diligence provided a clear understanding of the target company to successfully negotiate an acquisition.


Through an in-depth due diligence, a US-based health and wellness company negotiated a fair acquisition price, mitigated risks, lowered costs, and successfully entered the Chinese market.



Dezan Shira has played a crucial role in helping our China expansion from a RO to a full-fledged trading entity - through careful planning, in-person meetings, and qualitative strategic advice. The setup is particularly complex in China, but we were led through the legal and tax intricacies, regulations, and obligations towards local authorities smoothly. We were delighted to close the circle by ...inaugurating our China office with Dezan Shira’s help.
Bloomsbury Institute, a UK higher education provider, engaged Dezan Shira to incorporate their company in India and assist with employment and payroll. They efficiently handled the complex process, enabling them to set up the company, including a bank account, and employ 7 staff members in Hyderabad. Their multi-disciplinary team is a pleasure to work with and provided comprehensive services ...in-house. Client service and support have been excellent and they continue to ensure our compliance with company law and assist with payroll services.
Dezan Shira & Associates’ excellent integrated corporate service solutions and strategic advice, have played a crucial role for us in implementing our Singapore expansion ...plans.
It has been pleasure working with the team. The Dezan Shira and Associates India team is very professional, always there to support clients, and are very ...accommodating.
Dezan Shira assists Organica Water with our corporate secretarial services, financial and tax advice in Asia. Their availability and high-level professional services have led to a valuable long-term relationship, resulting in global ...cooperation.
Mastip has found Dezan Shira team to be very helpful and always readily available to provide assistance on any occasion. For us, employing staff without a registered office was not possible. However, Dezan Shira and Associates made this possible and have helped to add considerable value to our company by allowing us to recruit the right caliber of people. The team has always helped in a timely ...manner, and we find their services professional and efficient.


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