Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are some common licensing requirements that investors might face upon entry...

What are some common licensing requirements that investors might face upon entry...

Depending on the nature of the work that a company wishes to conduct within Singapore, additional documentation and licensing may be required. Among them, the most common ones are Business Activity License required for most firms operating within the...


What compliance tasks should companies in Singapore complete in order to qualify...

What compliance tasks should companies in Singapore complete in order to qualify...

Obtaining a Certificate of Residence (COR), issued by the Internal Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) and ensuring Permanent Establishment (PE) status within respective ASEAN states are the two most important compliance tasks that must be complete...


What is a Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore?

What is a Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore?

Singapore’s COR is an indicator to tax authorities – in Singapore and abroad – that a given company has established operations within the state of Singapore. Within Singapore, a COR is used to establish a company’s eligibility...


How can firms in Singapore offset their international taxation?

How can firms in Singapore offset their international taxation?

Currently those incorporated within Singapore and holding a Certificate of Residence (COR) will be able to choose between two methods, the credit method and the exemption method, in order to offset their international taxation. Under the credit metho...


What is the benefit of routing investments through Singapore?

What is the benefit of routing investments through Singapore?

Companies operating in ASEAN might find that the cost of transferring profits back to their home country has increased in the absence of up to date DTAs. By contrast, with many DTAs in place and 0 percent withholdings tax of its own on dividends, Sin...


Comparison of Three of the Principal Third-Party e-Commerce Platforms in China

Comparison of Three of the Principal Third-Party e-Commerce Platforms in China

This infographic compares three of the principal third-party e-commerce platforms that foreign sellers can choose from: TMall, Jingdong Mall, and Yihaodian.


Comparison of Cross Border e-Commerce Pilot Platforms

Comparison of Cross Border e-Commerce Pilot Platforms

This infographic compares two different models for cross-border e-commerce pilot platforms.


China's e-Commerce Industry at a Glance

China's e-Commerce Industry at a Glance

This infographic aims to give you a basic idea about the current e-Commerce industry in China.


Hiring and Firing in India

Hiring and Firing in India

Richard Cant, the Director of Dezan Shira & Associates North America, discusses the challenges of hiring, firing and retaining employees in India. Richard will describe the HR systems in place in India and how to mitigate an employers' risks.


Recruiting Practices in Vietnam: An Interview with Jon Whitehead

Recruiting Practices in Vietnam: An Interview with Jon Whitehead

Oscar Mussons, an Associate of Dezan Shira & Associates' operations in Vietnam, will speak with Jon Whitehead. Jon is the Country Manager for Robert Walters Vietnam. Robert Walters is a global, specialist professional recruitment consultancy working ...


Firing Senior Management In China

Firing Senior Management In China

Allan Xu, the manager of the Business Advisory Service at Dezan Shira & Associates' Shanghai office discusses the dangers of mishandling contract terminations in China and how employers can protect their interests by resolving labor disputes correctl...


China Investment Roadmap: the e-Commerce Industry

China Investment Roadmap: the e-Commerce Industry

In this edition of China Briefing magazine, we present a roadmap for investing in China’s e-commerce industry. We provide a consumer analysis of the Chinese market, take a look at the main industry players, and examine the various investment models...

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