Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



ASEAN Investment Horizons: Key Industries for AEC 2015

ASEAN Investment Horizons: Key Industries for AEC 2015

In this issue of Asia Briefing, we forecast the effects of ASEAN Economic Community on foreign investment into the region in the lead up to 2015. Following this, we highlight what is happening in some of ASEAN’s hottest industries for investment...


Predicted Growth in ASEAN Medical Device Market

Predicted Growth in ASEAN Medical Device Market

This chart displays a country by country comparison for predicted growth in the medical device industry across ASEAN.


ASEAN Tariff Lines

ASEAN Tariff Lines

This chart shows a country-by-country comparison of tariff lines for ASEAN members.


Dealing with Intercompany Expenses in China

Dealing with Intercompany Expenses in China

A resource from Dezan Shira & Associates giving advice on initial setup costs for a foreign invested enterprise (FIE) and on the issue of permanent establishment related to staff assignment and on payments of expatriate salaries to overseas.


Setting up a Business in India

Setting up a Business in India

A presentation from Dezan Shira & Associates highlighting the different modes of entry, the types of legal entities, the special agreements and general compliance in India.


Taxation & Accounting: What SMEs Should Know for the Year 2013-2014

Taxation & Accounting: What SMEs Should Know for the Year 2013-2014

This presentation by Richard Cant, Regional Director, will address a number of taxation and accounting related topics for SMEs in China.


Tax Update in Emerging Asia

Tax Update in Emerging Asia

Regional Director Richard Cant discusses China and India tax updates together with a larger Asia tax comparator.


Relocating or Expanding Your China Business

Relocating or Expanding Your China Business

This presentation will take you through the reasons for relocation and expansion, the related opportunities and challenges in China, and the options for expansion available for investors.


Internal Audit and Control

Internal Audit and Control

This presentation by Richard Cant, Regional Director, will introduce internal control and audit in addition to basic fraud risks in China.


DTAs in China

DTAs in China

This presentation by Daisy Huang, Manager of Corporate Accounting Services, and Fabian Kopf, Senior Associate of International Business Advisory, discusses DTAs in China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Europe.


Hong Kong & Singapore Holding Companies

Hong Kong & Singapore Holding Companies

Fabian Kopf, Senior Associate, presents the benefits of holding companies for FDI and will guide you through the company set up and annual compliance processes in Hong Kong and Singapore.


Permanent Establishment in South China: Key Points to Understand the Chinese Sys...

Permanent Establishment in South China: Key Points to Understand the Chinese Sys...

This presentation from Sisi Xu, Senior Manager in Corporate Accounting Services, will go into detail about corporate permanent establishment in South China.

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