Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Does the Revised Environmental Protection Law in China contain heavier punishmen...

Does the Revised Environmental Protection Law in China contain heavier punishmen...

Overall, the Revised Law establishes heavier punishments for pollution enterprises and government officials connected to pollution incidents. All parties involved in conducting fraudulent or environmentally damaging activities will bear joint liabili...


Will the Revised Environmental Protection Law in China make it easier to file la...

Will the Revised Environmental Protection Law in China make it easier to file la...

The Revised Law widens the channels for initiating public-interest environmental litigation against polluters. While previously only a single state-controlled NGO was capable of bringing such suits to court, under the Revised Law, all social organiza...


Does the Revised Environmental Protection Law in China require environmental ass...

Does the Revised Environmental Protection Law in China require environmental ass...

The Revised Law requires two types of environmental assessments to be conducted prior to certain types of industrial projects. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required for all construction projects, including new construction, modificatio...


Why are most foreign businesses in China not leaving the country completely?

Why are most foreign businesses in China not leaving the country completely?

Domestic consumption, particularly among the middle class, is expected to be a major factor in the US$4 trillion of growth forecasted for the Chinese economy over the next decade. Rising wage costs in China may be prompting companies to relocate thei...


What are the developing trends among Chinese consumers?

What are the developing trends among Chinese consumers?

Trends among Chinese consumers will largely follow those seen in the economic booms of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Chinese consumers today are richer, more urbanized, better educated, more upwardly mobile, and more willing to postpone life stages than t...


Which industries are poised to boom in the next coming years in China?

Which industries are poised to boom in the next coming years in China?

Certain industries are poised to boom in light of the coming economic and demographic shifts in Chinese society and thus represent the brightest opportunities for foreign investment: E-commerce - for several years, e-commerce in China has been one...


How big is the foreign wine industry in China?

How big is the foreign wine industry in China?

Foreign wine in China no longer makes the headlines. The spotlight is now on much larger trends: foreign wine has been pouring into China, growing sevenfold over the last six years and increasing to 19 percent of the total domestic market. As a resul...


What is important to keep in mind when importing wine into China?

What is important to keep in mind when importing wine into China?

Imported wine is first subject to a port inspection, and then Customs clearance. Alcohol importers should present both a Health Certificate and a Certificate of Origin from the exporting country (region) in order to clear the inspection. The imported...


How is China?s logistic landscape outlined?

How is China?s logistic landscape outlined?

China, the world’s second largest economy and third largest country by area, is experiencing insatiable demand for transportation and logistics services – so much so that dedicated service providers are struggling to keep up, causing some...


Why has logistics business in China been growing so quickly?

Why has logistics business in China been growing so quickly?

As nature abhors a vacuum, so have global private equity firms been moving quickly to take advantage of the demand for logistics in China, such that the industry now receives 2.8 percent of all FDI into China. During China’s accession to the Wo...


Establishing a Representative Office in Vietnam

Establishing a Representative Office in Vietnam

In this podcast we will introduce the advantages and the procedures of establishing a representative office in Vietnam and the alternatives to the RO once its mission is finished.


What are liaison offices and what are the pros and cons of using them to explore...

What are liaison offices and what are the pros and cons of using them to explore...

Liaison offices offer foreign investors a method to explore business opportunities in India. Although liaison offices are prohibited from engaging in direct commercial activity, they allow investors to facilitate communication with possible business ...

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