Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



China Residence and Income Source Individual Income Tax Applicability Timeline

China Residence and Income Source Individual Income Tax Applicability Timeline

For different kinds of income, China Residence and Income Source Individual Income Tax Applicability Timelines are different.


Taking Advantage of India's FDI Reforms

Taking Advantage of India's FDI Reforms

In India Briefing Magazine’s first issue of 2014, we explore important amendments to India’s foreign investment policy and outline various options for business establishment, including the creation of wholly owned subsidiaries in sectors th...


Which law will prevail if domestic tax law is in conflict with the double tax ag...

Which law will prevail if domestic tax law is in conflict with the double tax ag...

If there's a conflict between the domestic tax laws and the tax provisions in a double tax agreement, those in the double tax agreement will prevail. However, domestic tax laws will prevail when the relevant tax obligations included in the double tax...


What is the application process to invest in Indian Development Zones?

What is the application process to invest in Indian Development Zones?

The Approval Committee at the zone level deals with approval of units in the Special Economic Zones and other related issues. Each zone is headed by a development commissioner, who is ex-officio chairperson of the approval committee. Once an Special ...


How is deemed profit rate calculated under Chinese corporate income tax law?

How is deemed profit rate calculated under Chinese corporate income tax law?

According to the “Administrative Measures for the Assessment and Collection of Corporate Income Tax on Non-Resident Enterprises (Guoshuifa [2010] No.19, ‘Circular 19’),” non-resident enterprises are required to keep accurate a...


How can foreign investors merge or acquire local entities for establishing a for...

How can foreign investors merge or acquire local entities for establishing a for...

With respect to Mergers and Acuisitions involving the acquisition of Chinese domestic companies by foreign investors, in June 2009, the Ministry of Commerce promulgated the “Provisions on Foreign Investors’ Merger with and Acquisition of ...


How can foreign investors set up online business in China?

How can foreign investors set up online business in China?

After opening up a physical shop in China, a foreign investor can set up an online store by creating a website through which selling is conducted. This will require the foreign investor to first set up a foreign-invested commercial enterprise (FICE) ...


Asia Briefing Magazine, January 2014 Issue: "Payroll Processing Across Asia

Asia Briefing Magazine, January 2014 Issue:

Sisi Xu, Senior Manager in Dezan Shira and Associates Shenzhen office, introduce payroll from a financial and legal perspective.


How should debts be resolved when a Vietnamese business is to close down?

How should debts be resolved when a Vietnamese business is to close down?

A company will be allowed to dissolve after it ensures to discharge any and all debts and property obligations in certain order. The company must also set up a meeting to liquidate its assets, and the subsequent meeting minutes should include the fo...


Total Dividend Tax in Direct Investment vs Hong Kong Holding Co.

Total Dividend Tax in Direct Investment vs Hong Kong Holding Co.

Total Dividend Tax in Direct Investment vs Hong Kong Holding Co. in China.


Total Dividend Tax in Direct Investment vs Singapore Holding Co.

Total Dividend Tax in Direct Investment vs Singapore Holding Co.

Total Dividend Tax in Direct Investment vs Singapore Holding Co. in China.


Limited Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) in Hong Kong and Singapore

Limited Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) in Hong Kong and Singapore

There are 26 Limited Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) in Hong Kong and 7 in Singpore.

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