Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Setting Up In China Establishment Procedures RO

Setting Up In China Establishment Procedures RO

In this issue of China Briefing, we take a look at some procedures for establishing a presence in China. From choosing an operational model to properly setting up that legal entity, this issue is a primer for those interested in setting up a business...


Crude Oil and Natural Gas Mining in China

Crude Oil and Natural Gas Mining in China

This report provides a comprehensive study of the Crude Oil and Natural Gas Mining in China, comprised of market statistics and trend analyses.


Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Austria Protocol

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Austria Protocol

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Austria Protocol


Vietnam's Industrial Zones

Vietnam's Industrial Zones

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we look at Vietnam's industrial zones. Set up to cater to industrial manufacturing, these zones provide foreign investors with incentives and preferential policies not found in other parts of Vietnam.


What India Wants: Foreign Investment in the New Asian Tiger

What India Wants: Foreign Investment in the New Asian Tiger

In this issue of India Briefing, we take a look at foreign investment in India. With the strong showing by the ruling Congress Party at the polls this past May, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government received a mandate from the voters to continue...


Are You (Really) in Control of Your China Operations?

Are You (Really) in Control of Your China Operations?

With the financial crisis hitting all facets of the real economy, companies everywhere are struggling and multinationals are being forced to review their global strategies as cash flow and credit terms become problematic.


Motor Vehicle Dealers in China

Motor Vehicle Dealers in China

This report provides a comprehensive study of the Motor Vehicle Dealers in China, comprised of market statistics and trend analyses.


Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and China 2nd Protocol

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and China 2nd Protocol

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and China 2nd Protocol


Double Taxation Agreement between China and Belgium

Double Taxation Agreement between China and Belgium

Double Taxation Agreement between China and Belgium


General Merchandise Retailing (including Department Stores) in China

General Merchandise Retailing (including Department Stores) in China

This report provides a comprehensive study of the General Merchandise Retailing in China, comprised of market statistics and trend analyses.


China Compliance, FCPA & SOX Considerations

China Compliance, FCPA & SOX Considerations

In this month's China Briefing, we take a look at important compliance issues for U.S. businesses operating in China; specifically the United States' Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and what American companies operating China need to know about the act...


Repatriating Profits Out of China

Repatriating Profits Out of China

At the end of the day, it's all about making money, and that is where sound strategic planning for maximization and repatriation of profits becomes so important in China.

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