Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What is a foreign enterprise services company in China?

What is a foreign enterprise services company in China?

Many foreign-invested companies and representative offices in China have a contract in place with a foreign enterprise services company (FESCO) for labor dispatch, payroll and/or additional services for Chinese Employees.


What is 'hukou'?

What is 'hukou'?

A hukou stipulates an employee’s home city/country and can either be a rural hukou or an urban hukou, with the social insurance system applying only the latter.


What services are provided by foreign enterprise services company besides payrol...

What services are provided by foreign enterprise services company besides payrol...

Some FESCOs carry out other services such as executive search work (headhunting) on behalf of their clients, which could create a conflict of interest between payroll clients (who supply confidential personal and salary information) and headhunting c...


What does the Labor Contract Law stipulate about workers dispatched from foreign...

What does the Labor Contract Law stipulate about workers dispatched from foreign...

In the past, this directive has often been ignored and foreign enterprise services companies have been used to hire a wide variety of Chinese workers upon the client’s request. However, recent draft legislation regarding the obligation of emplo...


What are the advantages and disadvantages of foreign enterprise services compani...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of foreign enterprise services compani...

The advantages of using foreign enterprise services companies are: lower risk than direct hiring hiring assistance during process of incorporation mandatory benefit payments in other cities The disadvantages thereof are: conflict of intere...


Social Insurance and Payroll

Social Insurance and Payroll

When the Interim Measures for Participation in the Social Insurance System by Foreigners Working within the Territory of China came into effect last October, the inner workings of the social insurance system became even more relevant to the average f...


Global Connections: China

Global Connections: China

Richard Cant, Dezan Shira & Associates' Regional Director in the Shanghai office discusses the expanding market and opportunities in China's second tier cities.


Global Connections: The Changing Face of Chinese Society featuring Richard Cant

Global Connections: The Changing Face of Chinese Society featuring Richard Cant

Richard Cant, Dezan Shira & Associates Regional Director discusses the Chinese middle class and their changing spending habits.


Bilateral Investment Treaty between Canada and China

Bilateral Investment Treaty between Canada and China

Bilateral Investment Treaty between Canada and China


Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

The technical language surrounding double taxation, including the “substance over form” principle, “beneficial owner” status, and the concepts of “permanent establishment” and “tax residency,” make the area a c...




Die technische Sprache, die das Thema Doppelbesteuerung umgibt, macht das Gebiet für Laien zu einer Herausforderung. In dieser Ausgabe von China Briefing sollen einige Begriffe wie das „Prinzip der wirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise“, â...


Accords Supprimant la Double Imposition

Accords Supprimant la Double Imposition

Lorsque nous avons commencé des recherches sur ce numéro de China Briefing, nous avons pratiquement donné une série de chiffres: 601, 30, 698 ... Il est rapidement devenu évident que ces circulaires fiscales publiées par l’Ad...

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