Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Reevaluating China Joint Ventures and M&As

Reevaluating China Joint Ventures and M&As

In the wake of the financial crisis and the realignment of the Chinese economy from an export-oriented model to one focused on domestic consumption, Sino-foreign joint ventures (JVs) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities by foreign investors ...


El comercio y establecimiento de empresas comerciales de capital extranjero en C...

El comercio y establecimiento de empresas comerciales de capital extranjero en C...

Aunque ha habido una gran discusión de las tendencias macroeconómicas y el pensamiento microeconómico


Società commerciali a partecipazione straniera in Cina

Società commerciali a partecipazione straniera in Cina

Nonostante la grande quantità di discussioni sugli scenari macroeconomici e sulle considerazioni microeconomiche riguardanti "il consumatore cinese" (e anche se questo termine è troppo generico e spesso impropriamente usato), l'unica parola che...


Gründung und Handel mit ausländisch investierten Handelsunternehmen in China

Gründung und Handel mit ausländisch investierten Handelsunternehmen in China

In dieser Ausgabe analysieren wir die strategische Eignung von Repräsentanzen, führen Sie Schritt für Schritt durch die Details zur Gründung eines ausländisch investierten Handelsunternehmens, diskutieren Franchising durch ausländis...


Le Commerce et la Création d’Entreprises Commerciales à Capitaux Etrangers e...

Le Commerce et la Création d’Entreprises Commerciales à Capitaux Etrangers e...

Alor s que les tendances macroéconomiques et microéconomiques qui entourent le « consommateur chinois » sont abondamment discutées, on peut s’accorder sur le « potentiel » de ce concept démographique très vaste.


Trading and Establishing Foreign-invested Commercial Enterprises in China

Trading and Establishing Foreign-invested Commercial Enterprises in China

While there has been a great deal of discussion about the macroeconomic trends surrounding and microeconomic thinking behind “the Chinese consumer” (and even whether this term is too generalized to use), the one word describing this demogra...


Business Guide to Shanghai & the Yangtze River Delta (Fourth Edition)

Business Guide to Shanghai & the Yangtze River Delta (Fourth Edition)

With its proximity to suppliers, easy access to ports and well-developed infrastructure, the YRD region continues to draw large quantities of foreign investment.


Setting Up Your Company in China

Setting Up Your Company in China

In this presentation, Dezan Shira & Associates Manager Richard Hoffman discusses the various legal entities that a company can consider when setting up their business in China.


Mergers and Acquisitions in China (Second Edition)

Mergers and Acquisitions in China (Second Edition)

Do you want to enter or develop your China market via acquisition? If you are looking at investing in a China based company, then this book is for you.


La inversión extranjera en el sector verde en China

La inversión extranjera en el sector verde en China

Los expertos en asesoramiento empresarial de nuestra filial Dezan Shira & Associates coinciden que: el tema “verde” de esta edición del CB estaba pendiente desde hace mucho tiempo.


Investimenti Esteri nell’industria eco-sostenibile in Cina

Investimenti Esteri nell’industria eco-sostenibile in Cina

Il nuovo Foreign Investment Catalogue cinese, che aggiunge diverse industrie “verdi” nella categoria degli investimenti esteri da incoraggiare,


Ausländische Investitionen in Chinas Grüne Technologien

Ausländische Investitionen in Chinas Grüne Technologien

Die Veröffentlichung des neuen Katalog zu Auslandsinvestitionen, der mehrere weitere “grüne” Industrien in die “geförderten” Kategorien aufnimmt und „der grünste Fünfjahresplan der Geschichte“ sind nur ein...

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