Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How can a company in China concurrently establish a foreign-invested commercial ...

How can a company in China concurrently establish a foreign-invested commercial ...

Where the foreign investor wishes to apply for the opening of a shop concurrently with the establishment of the FICE, the proposed shop must conform to the urban and commercial development plans of the city where it is situated, for which a document ...


What do foreign investors setting up a retail business in China need to know abo...

What do foreign investors setting up a retail business in China need to know abo...

The labor market in China is much more fast-paced and dynamic than that of Western countries. This means that Chinese talent is more volatile, faster to change their jobs and has higher expectation to a continuous career and salary development.


What are the current laws regarding wage increase in China?

What are the current laws regarding wage increase in China?

According to China's Employment Promotion Plan, the minimum wage in each jurisdiction in China must be increased at least once every two years; meanwhile, the 2011-15 Five-year Plan stipulates an average increase of 13 percent per year.  As of ...


How is the luxury goods industry in China likely to develop in the coming years?...

How is the luxury goods industry in China likely to develop in the coming years?...

As the ratio of middle-class and affluent Chinese expands, the luxury goods market will grow apace through 2020. By 2013, Chinese consumers accounted for 47 percent of global luxury good sales, spending about US$102 billion for the year. Today the s...


What is the current climate for importing wine into China?

What is the current climate for importing wine into China?

Foreign wine has been pouring into China, growing sevenfold over the last six years and increasing to 19 percent of the total domestic market. As a result, almost one out of five bottles opened in China is now imported.  


How have increasing labor costs in China affected the manufacturing industry?

How have increasing labor costs in China affected the manufacturing industry?

Many China commentators have been focusing on the increasing labor costs in China, and noting how many China-based businesses are now struggling in the face of rising wages. The China-ASEAN free trade agreement (FTA), which was signed off in 2002 and...


What effect has the ASEAN- China Free Trade area had on China and ASEAN as a who...

What effect has the ASEAN- China Free Trade area had on China and ASEAN as a who...

The ASEAN–China Free Trade Area is the world’s largest free trade area in terms of population and third largest in terms of nominal GDP after the European Union and NAFTA. The original FTA reduced tariffs on nearly 8,000 product categorie...


What is the significance of cross-boarder forex cash pooling in the Shanghai FTZ...

What is the significance of cross-boarder forex cash pooling in the Shanghai FTZ...

One often overlooked feature of the Shanghai FTZ is the unique advantages it affords foreign investors for transferring funds between their China domestic and overseas entities via two-way cash pooling. This refers to a transaction in which banks fac...


What are the basic requirements for setting up a cross- boarder cash pool in the...

What are the basic requirements for setting up a cross- boarder cash pool in the...

• All companies involved must have positive equity. • The participating company must be part of the same parent company (i.e., cannot be in a Sino-foreign JV). If the overseas company has multiple subsidiaries in China, only one may be id...


How do you establish a cash pool in the Shanghai FTZ?

How do you establish a cash pool in the Shanghai FTZ?

The procedure for establishing a cash pool differs between RMB and foreign exchange denominated transfers. In both cases, the participating enterprise must sign a contract with a bank in China stipulating the terms of the inter-company loan and descr...


How should foreign investors adapt when setting up a wholly foreign owned enterp...

How should foreign investors adapt when setting up a wholly foreign owned enterp...

Foreign investors need to adapt their presence to serve China’s domestic consumer market. To engage in distribution, an existing manufacturing wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) will need to expand its business scope. Adding distribution in...


What are China's regulations on granting Double Taxation Avoidance?

What are China's regulations on granting Double Taxation Avoidance?

Before it will grant DTA (Double Taxation Avoidance) relief from Withholding Tax on dividends, interest or royalties, the SAT (State Administration on Taxation) must be satisfied that the applicant company in a DTA partner jurisdiction is indeed the ...

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