Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What can employers do to hire and retain quality personnel in the retail industr...

What can employers do to hire and retain quality personnel in the retail industr...

It is said that Internet training and development plans are key factors for retention. Certainly, the aforementioned organizational structure pose a challenge, but one way to circumvent this would be to foster an attractive company culture, in additi...


Are increasing wages a problem for foreign retailers in China?

Are increasing wages a problem for foreign retailers in China?

Yes, increasing wages across all industries have been and remain a top challenge for companies operating in China. The steadily increasing minimum wage in different provinces and the increase of the salary demands of top talent have both greatly affe...


What do foreign investors setting up a retail business in China need to know abo...

What do foreign investors setting up a retail business in China need to know abo...

The labor market in China is much more fast-paced and dynamic than that of Western countries. This means that Chinese talent is more volatile, faster to change their jobs and has higher expectation to a continuous career and salary development.


How important as a hiring criteria are language skills in China?

How important as a hiring criteria are language skills in China?

English skills are sufficient, and today more and more of the younger generation brings in sufficient levels of English language for daily interaction with customers. For roles in a pricier sector, or a retail business exclusively focused on a certai...


How will the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) benefit e-commerce?

How will the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) benefit e-commerce?

The Shanghai FTZ officially launched the country’s first cross-border e-commerce platform called buyeasi.com on December 28, 2013, in a move to develop the country’s cross-border e-commerce industry. The website is positioned to provide m...


How will the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) benefit cross-border investments?

How will the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) benefit cross-border investments?

Enterprises in the Shanghai FTZ will be able to directly invest overseas without undergoing time-consuming pre-approval procedures. Instead, a simplified record-filing procedure will be adopted. Also, enterprises in the FTZ will be able to process cr...


What are some of the advantages for foreign investors of investing in the Shangh...

What are some of the advantages for foreign investors of investing in the Shangh...

The FTZ has relaxed incorporation requirements; it cancels out the minimum registration capital of RMB 30,000 for limited liability companies, the RMB 100,000 minimum for single shareholder companies, and the RMB 5 million minimum for joint stock com...


What are the procedures for setting up a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone...

What are the procedures for setting up a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone...

Similar to procedures for setting up a company elsewhere in China, investors in the Shanghai FTZ must first carry out a company registration in order to obtain a business license. To unburden investors from long and tedious administrative approval...


When was the Framework Plan of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone issued...

When was the Framework Plan of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone issued...

The State Council issued The Framework Plan of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (Shanghai FTZ) on September 18, 2013. One of its overall objectives is the further opening up of the service sector to foreign investors. The Plan sets out 18 s...


How are the policies to be relaxed in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) for the...

How are the policies to be relaxed in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) for the...

Foreign investors are allowed to set up wholly foreign-owned medical institutions in the Shanghai FTZ under the Provisional Measures on the Administration of Wholly Foreign-Owned Medical Institutions in the Shanghai FTZ issued by the Shanghai governm...


What are the guidelines for foreign investors who wish to set up a wholly foreig...

What are the guidelines for foreign investors who wish to set up a wholly foreig...

Foreign investors applying to set up a wholly foreign-owned medical institution in the Shanghai FTZ must be an independent legal person, and must have been engaged in the investment and management of medical institutions for more than five years. Add...


How do foreign investors apply to set up a wholly foreign-owned medical institut...

How do foreign investors apply to set up a wholly foreign-owned medical institut...

To set up a wholly foreign-owned medical institution in the Shanghai FTZ, applicants need only submit a single application to a branch office of the Shanghai Industry and Commerce Administration Bureau in the Zone. The following application materials...

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