Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How can foreign investors merge or acquire local entities for establishing a for...

How can foreign investors merge or acquire local entities for establishing a for...

With respect to Mergers and Acuisitions involving the acquisition of Chinese domestic companies by foreign investors, in June 2009, the Ministry of Commerce promulgated the “Provisions on Foreign Investors’ Merger with and Acquisition of ...


How can foreign investors set up online business in China?

How can foreign investors set up online business in China?

After opening up a physical shop in China, a foreign investor can set up an online store by creating a website through which selling is conducted. This will require the foreign investor to first set up a foreign-invested commercial enterprise (FICE) ...


What has it changed after China?s reform on its Value-Added Tax (VAT) System ?

 What has it changed after China?s reform on its Value-Added Tax (VAT) System ?

VAT reform is designed to resolve the issue of duplicate taxation on goods and services as a result of the coexistence of BT and VAT systems, as well as to promote the development of modern service industries in China. China officially issued ...


What is a benefit of Value-Added Tax (VAT) reform in placement of Business Tax...

What is a benefit of  Value-Added Tax (VAT) reform in placement of  Business Tax...

BT is a cascading turnover tax for which taxes are paid on the whole cost of the product at every point in the supply chain. By taxing only the “value added” components throughout the supply chain, instead of taxing the entire business tu...


Which cities in China have officially applied to participate in the Value-Added ...

Which cities in China have officially applied to participate in the Value-Added ...

Nine other cities and provinces have officially applied to participate in the VAT Reform Pilot Program so far, including Chongqing, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Xiamen, Anhui Province, Fujian Province, Hainan Province, Hunan Province and Jiangsu Province. ...


What should foreign investors beware of when relocating within or between tax di...

What should foreign investors beware of when relocating within or between tax di...

When possible, relocation should be avoided for cost and time reasons. Meanwhile, foreign investors considering relocation for other reasons should be aware up front that the process is quite likely far more challenging than you anticipate. Re...


Besides tax de-registration, what else does a foreign investor have to do in ord...

Besides tax de-registration, what else does a foreign investor have to do in ord...

Beyond tax de-registration, the transfer process requires a foreign investor to re-do essentially all the steps taken in initially establishing the WFOE. Beyond merely the large number of steps required, the need to minimize costs, potential labor li...


What is not legally allowed when changing address within a tax district in China...

What is not legally allowed when changing address within a tax district in China...

 To cut corners, many investors have been misadvised by other companies to have separate registered and operational addresses (i.e. the company first registers on the outskirts of a city and operate in the downtown). This set-up is not legall...


What is the difference between transferring to a new tax district as opposed to ...

What is the difference between transferring to a new tax district as opposed to ...

No tax officer wants to lose your company’s revenue by letting you relocate to another district and you should expect resistance in conducting the processes for tax closing. This resistance will crop up during the tax audit, which will s...


What are the advantages in closing an old company in China and starting from scr...

What are the advantages in closing an old company in China and starting from scr...

To avoid the time lag involved in transferring a company to a new tax district, another relocation option is closing the old WFOE and establishing an entirely new WFOE. This “default” option has the following advantages: 1.&nbs...


What are the disadvantages of closing an old company in China and starting from ...

What are the disadvantages of closing an old company in China and starting from ...

The disadvantages of closing an old company in China and starting from scratch are: Larger Capital Needs: a larger amount of capital may be required than in a transfer between tax districts due to registered capital requirements in the ove...


What is involved when establishing a new Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE) ...

What is involved when establishing a new Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE) ...

WFOE establishment involves acquiring a business license, then registering with all government bureaus and opening bank accounts. The WFOE establishment process has small variations based on the type of WFOE being established. For example, manufactu...

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