Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



8 Changes in Foreign Ownership Caps in Indonesia

8 Changes in Foreign Ownership Caps in Indonesia

This infographic points out the changes in foreign ownership caps in eight sectors of the Indonesian economy.


The Guide to Manufacturing in Indonesia

The Guide to Manufacturing in Indonesia

Choosing if, where, and how to establish foreign manufacturing operations in Indonesia can be a significant challenge. While the archipelago’s vast diversity may initially seem daunting, a number of options are available which will allow entry and ...


Rimpatriare gli utili dal Vietnam

Rimpatriare gli utili dal Vietnam

In questo numero di Vietnam Briefing, presentiamo i regolamenti esistenti in materia di trasferimenti degli utili e forniamo una guida su come rispettare le relative norme. Inoltre, introduciamo gli organi governativi competenti e forniamo consigli e...


Indonesian Manufacturing vs ASEAN Alternatives

Indonesian Manufacturing vs ASEAN Alternatives

This infographic provides information on the state of the manufacturing sectors of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo's Key Reform Packages

Indonesian President Joko Widodo's Key Reform Packages

This infographic features the prominent stimulus packages implemented by Jokowi's government in an effort to increase foreign investment into Indonesia's manufacturing sector.


Steps to Establishing a Foreign Manufacturing Operation in Indonesia

Steps to Establishing a Foreign Manufacturing Operation in Indonesia

This infographic reveals the 12-step process that an enterprise must undertake in order to establish a foreign manufacturing operation in Indonesia.


Comparing Logistics Performance in Indonesia with ASEAN Alternatives

Comparing Logistics Performance in Indonesia with ASEAN Alternatives

This infographic compares Indonesia's manufacturing infrastructure with the infrastructure of ASEAN alternatives.


Incentives Available to Investors in Indonesian Special Economic Zones

Incentives Available to Investors in Indonesian Special Economic Zones

Indonesia's Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were brought about in an attempt to encourage investment in specific locations. This infographic covers the preferential tax policies available to investors in Indonesia's SEZs.


Mapping Your Options: Special Economic Zones and Industrial Parks in Indonesia

Mapping Your Options: Special Economic Zones and Industrial Parks in Indonesia

This infographic provides a map of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Industrial Parks across Indonesia, touching on both the industrial and tourism-specific SEZs.


Options for Establishing an Enterprise in Indonesia

Options for Establishing an Enterprise in Indonesia

This infographic introduces the four options available to investors seeking to establish a manufacturing operation in Indonesia.


Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen

Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen

In unserem aktuellen Magazin „Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen“ beschäftigen wir uns mit Freihandelsabkommen in Asien. Debatten über den Abbau von Zöllen und anderen Handelsbarrieren zur Erleichterung des Handels werden oft auf mult...


Exploring Compensation and Labour Dispute Mediation in Vietnam

Exploring Compensation and Labour Dispute Mediation in Vietnam

This presentation by Oscar Mussons, Associate on Dezan Shira & Associates' International Business Advisory team, gives an introduction to Human Resources in Vietnam, including overtime, a regulatory update and labor disputes and mediation.

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