Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Maximize Profits in Your Dividend Repatriation by Leveraging the PRC-HK DTA

Maximize Profits in Your Dividend Repatriation by Leveraging the PRC-HK DTA

Who can benefit from a DTA and what are the edibility criteria and standards? How will the DTA between China’s Mainland and Hong Kong benefit taxpayers? In this webinar, Hannah Feng and Jennifer Lu provide insights and guidance on how to optimize p...


Ведения Бизнеса в Индонезии 2022

Ведения Бизнеса в Индонезии 2022

Эта публикация, предназначенная для ознакомления с основами инвестирования в Индонезии, была составлена экспертами Дезан Шира и Партне...


China's Tax Incentives for Enterprises in 2022: Updates Following the Two Sessio...

China's Tax Incentives for Enterprises in 2022: Updates Following the Two Sessio...

Lynn Shen, Assistant Manager of Corporate Accounting Services at Dezan Shira & Associates’ Shenzhen office, discussed the newly issued tax incentive policies and the local implementation measures.


Common Compliances for Companies in the Indian Regulatory Landscape

Common Compliances for Companies in the Indian Regulatory Landscape

We have a compiled a list of Q&A’s on compliances that are applicable for companies in India.


An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2022

An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2022

This publication, designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in Indonesia, was compiled by the experts at Dezan Shira & Associates, a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business intelligence, ta...


Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Китае 2022

Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Китае 2022

Руководство “Ведение бизнеса в Китае 2022” знакомит с основами инвестирования в Китае. Это всеобъемлющее руководство, составленное проф...


Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса во Вьетнаме ...

Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса во Вьетнаме ...

Вьетнам выстоял в трудный 2021 год, пандемия COVID-19 нанесла значительный ущерб его экономике и населению. В середине года страна пережила ст...


Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Индии 2022

Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Индии 2022

В 2021 году Индия успешно перевела свою экономику в режим восстановления, несмотря на крупные вспышки пандемии в первой половине года. Пол...


Impact of GST on Overseas Transactions in India

Impact of GST on Overseas Transactions in India

Corporate Accounting Services Senior Associate Divyansh Srivastava discusses the impact of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on overseas transactions in India.


India's Union Budget 2022: What Foreign Companies Need To Know

India's Union Budget 2022: What Foreign Companies Need To Know

On February 10, International Business Advisory Manager Krishan Aggarwal and Senior Associate Shubham Dua discussed the impact of India’s Union Budget 2022 on foreign companies doing business in India.


Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China

Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China

In this webinar, our China investment experts Guilherme Campos and Viktor Rojkov, provide insight and guidance on critical aspects for foreign investors to take into account for their business development and expansion in the new year.


Doing Business in Vietnam – Looking ahead to 2022

Doing Business in Vietnam – Looking ahead to 2022

To help foreign businesses better understand the key developments of the Vietnamese FDI environment and capitalize on the emerging opportunities in the country, Filippo Bortoletti, International Business Advisor, shares insights and guidance for inve...

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