Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How should Corporate Income Tax be calculated in India?

How should Corporate Income Tax be calculated in India?

Corporate Income Tax is charged at 30 percent of a company’s profits. If the tax payable on the total income of the company is less than 18.5 percent of book profits , then the total income of the company shall be deemed to be equal to the book...


PrePost Establishment Compliance for Foreign-invested Entities

PrePost Establishment Compliance for Foreign-invested Entities

Compliance requirements include tax compliance, annual activity reporting (for BO and LO), annual compliance and ongoing compliance (such as notifications about major changes in an entity or Foreign Exchange Management Act compliance). Compliance req...


An Introduction to Doing Business in Myanmar

An Introduction to Doing Business in Myanmar

Myanmar is finally opening its doors to the rest of the world. A few months ago, the military-led government pushed political and economic reforms, attracting the attention of potential investors worldwide.


Introduction to the China Tax System presented by Dezan Shira Alumni Ronin Lin

Introduction to the China Tax System presented by Dezan Shira Alumni Ronin Lin

Ronin Lin introduces the China tax system for the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). He goes over corporate taxes, individual income tax, and VAT reform.


Fund Repatriation presented by Sabrina Zhang

Fund Repatriation presented by Sabrina Zhang

Dezan Shira & Associates' National Tax Partner Sabrina Zhang discusses repatriating profits from mainland China. She also discusses royalties, service fees and payment-on-behalf.




Als Teil von Chinas Steuerreform unter dem 12. Fünfjahresplan (2011-2015), wird die Mehrwertsteuer die Gewerbesteuer ersetzen. Mit der Verabschiedung einer Pilotreform für den Transportsektor und sechs weitere moderne Industrien hat Shanghai ei...


Réforme concernant la taxe à valeur ajoutée

Réforme concernant la taxe à valeur ajoutée

La taxe à valeur ajoutée découlant de la réforme de taxe Chinoise et, plus précisément, contenue dans le douzième ’’Plan de cinq ans’’ (2011 - 2015), remplacera la taxes d’affaires actuellement en vigueu...


Reforma del impuesto sobre el valor añadido

Reforma del impuesto sobre el valor añadido

Como parte de la reforma fiscal de China en el marco del 12º Plan de Cinco Años (2011 - 2015), el impuesto sobre el valor añadido reemplazará al impuesto sobre el negocio. Shanghai ha tomado la delantera en la reforma del impuesto sobre...


La riforma dell ' imposta sul valore aggiunto

La riforma dell ' imposta sul valore aggiunto

Come previsto dal programma di riforma fiscale in Cina, in base al XII Piano Quinquennale (2011 - 2015), l’imposta sul valore aggiunto sostituirà la business tax. Shanghai ha fatto da apripista nella riforma dell’imposta sul valore agg...


Value-Added Tax Reform

Value-Added Tax Reform

As part of China's tax reform under the 12th Five Year Plan (2011 - 2015), value-added tax will replace business tax. Shanghai has taken the lead in the value-added tax (VAT) reform, having instituted a Pilot Reform Program for the transportation sec...


Tax Liabilities During Liquidation in China

Tax Liabilities During Liquidation in China

The table shows the tax liabilities and liability calculations during liquidations of a foreign-invested enterprise in China.


Spostare la sede legale ed espandere le proprie attività in Cina

Spostare la sede legale ed espandere le proprie attività in Cina

La scelta di spostare la sede legale della propria attività in Cina puo’ avvenire per varie ragioni: un cambio nel modello di business, l’entrata in nuovi mercati, unire investimenti che prima erano “separati”, la ricerca di mi...

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