Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Understanding China's New Accounting System

Understanding China's New Accounting System

Dezan Shira is proud to announce the release of our second video series, where our experts answer the most frequently asked questions on various areas of the Asian business environment. The second series, "Understanding China’s New Accounting S...


Preparing for the Coming E-Fapiao Era

Preparing for the Coming E-Fapiao Era

Over the last few months, China has been quickly expanding the pilot program on electronic special value-added tax (VAT) fapiao (hereafter special VAT e-fapiao). First trialed in Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Shijiazhuang, China expanded the pilot program on...


Investir au Vietnam 2021

Investir au Vietnam 2021

Statistiques démographiques, Economie du Vietnam et investissements directs à l’étranger, Régions économiques clés, Accords de libre-échange, Comment monter une activité, Se conformer à la législation fiscale et à la réglementation comp...


Investieren in Vietnam 2021

Investieren in Vietnam 2021

2020 ist ein Jahr, welches sicherlich nicht in Vergessenheit geraten wird. In welches die Unternehmen wegen der weltweiten Störung der Lieferketten durch die Pandemie, die zu erheblichen wirtschaftlichen Verlusten führte. Nichtsdestotrotz konnte Vi...


Investing in Vietnam 2021

Investing in Vietnam 2021

2020 is a year that businesses are unlikely to forget due to the pandemic that disrupted global supply chains resulting in significant business losses. Nevertheless, Vietnam managed to achieve positive economic growth, recording an increase of 2.91% ...


Contributi e finanziamenti all’internazionalizzazione

Contributi e finanziamenti all’internazionalizzazione

Se il vostro progetto di internazionalizzazione è pronto, ma necessita di un finanziamento per poter essere realizzato, vi proponiamo mensilmente una serie di opportunità che possono fare al caso vostro: un flash sui principali finanzia...


Difference between Manual and Tech Powered Reimbursement Processes

Difference between Manual and Tech Powered Reimbursement Processes

This infographic provides a glance into the manual and automated reimbursement processes and why it is important for tech to optimize a company's accounting processes.


Audit and Compliance in India

Audit and Compliance in India

India’s audit regulations require businesses to comply with various types of audits, governed under different laws. Since the commencement of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law in 2017, businesses and entrepreneurs in India are also required to c...


Establishing an Effective Corporate Compliance Program in Indonesia in 2021

Establishing an Effective Corporate Compliance Program in Indonesia in 2021

To help companies better understand key legislation governing business compliance liabilities in Indonesia and effectively comply with them in a timely manner, Jennifer Halim, our International Business Advisory Senior Associate in Indonesia, discuss...


Profit Repatriation from India: Tax Implications, DTAAs, and Transfer Pricing Pr...

Profit Repatriation from India: Tax Implications, DTAAs, and Transfer Pricing Pr...

On 27 January, International Business Advisory Manager, Sonakshi Sood discussed taxation for foreign companies in India and profit management strategies for avoiding long term tax and regulatory complications. Watch this webinar to learn about taxa...


Preparing for China's Audit Season: New Regulations for 2021 (CN)

Preparing for China's Audit Season: New Regulations for 2021 (CN)

In this webinar Audit Senior Manager, Daisy Huang, introduces the new regulations affecting audits released this year, explaining their impacts for SMEs and the tax benefits they offer.


Understanding China's New Accounting Standards: Key Changes and Impacts

Understanding China's New Accounting Standards: Key Changes and Impacts

The higher requirements brought on by the new standards can make handling accounting work in the new year challenging. Now is the perfect time to build your company’s understanding of the major changes under the new accounting standards and how th...

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