Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



India’s Pharmaceutical Industry 2021 – Investment Opportunities, Incentives,...

India’s Pharmaceutical Industry 2021 – Investment Opportunities, Incentives,...

On September 30 2021, Business Intelligence Assistant Manager Koushan Das discussed India’s pharmaceutical industry for foreign investors planning to enter the Indian market.


Asia's New Transfer Pricing Landscape: The Effect of BEPS 2.0 (China, Singapore,...

Asia's New Transfer Pricing Landscape: The Effect of BEPS 2.0 (China, Singapore,...

Dezan Shira & Associates' transfer pricing specialist from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and India, welcome you to increase your understanding of transfer pricing across these regions, and will share with you the most recent practices in each...


How to Make the Best Use of Your Licensing Agreement in China?

How to Make the Best Use of Your Licensing Agreement in China?

In this webinar, Jenny Liao, Senior Manager of Corporate Accounting Services in Dezan Shira & Associates and Eric Su, Senior Partner of HongFangLaw will talk about how to draft a licensing agreement that benefits all parties, from both a tax and a le...


The Impact of E-fapiaos on Companies’ Internal Processes (CN中文)

The Impact of E-fapiaos on Companies’ Internal Processes (CN中文)

近年来,随着电子发票的逐渐普及,发票管理成为很多企业内部流程及合规管理的核心议题。那么电子发票究竟存在哪些门道值得注意,又会给企业的日常管理带来多少潜在问题和风险呢? ...


How Foreigners Can Benefit from Obtaining a Chinese Permanent Residence?

How Foreigners Can Benefit from Obtaining a Chinese Permanent Residence?

In this webinar, Fuki explains the qualifications and process for permanent residence application in China with some case studies, and sheds light on how to maintain permanent residency after it is obtained.


Taxation for Foreign Nationals in India

Taxation for Foreign Nationals in India

Watch this webinar to understand the income tax rules for expats working in India along with tips for managing finances and reducing the tax burden.


Crash Course on Starting a Business in Indonesia 2021

Crash Course on Starting a Business in Indonesia 2021

It is an exciting time to start your investment in Indonesia. In this webinar, Jennifer Halim, our Senior Associate of International Business Advisory, guides investors through the fundamentals of doing business in Indonesia.


How to Manage Costs by Optimizing Your Supply Contracts and Workforce

How to Manage Costs by Optimizing Your Supply Contracts and Workforce

In this webinar, Vivian Mao, Partner and lawyer at Dezan Shira & Associates, and Simon Laube, Senior Associate with the International Business Advisory team, will introduce cost control solutions from a legal and business perspective, concerning supp...


IIT Subsidies in China's GBA: Filing Applications and To Do Checklist for Overse...

IIT Subsidies in China's GBA: Filing Applications and To Do Checklist for Overse...

How should overseas talents prepare and react to the upcoming changes and new policies, especially in the post COVID-19 period? In this webinar hosted by our tax and accounting experts in the GBA, Jenny Tan, Lynn Shen and Karen Liu along with Interna...


Transfer Pricing Knowledge You Should Have for Doing Business in India

Transfer Pricing Knowledge You Should Have for Doing Business in India

On July 29, Corporate Accounting Services Senior Associate Shubham Dua discussed the legal framework of transfer pricing in India and the challenges in structuring international transactions. Watch this webinar to get an expert overview of the transf...


Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia

Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia

Watch our webinar, Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia, to learn about the market and business fundamentals in Malaysia.


Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021

Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021

Watch our webinar, Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021, where Filippo Bortoletti, our Senior Manager of International Business Advisory, provided investors with a holistic overview of Vietnam’s economy and shares his advice on Vietnam market e...

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