
Latest News

June 26, 2024

Marco Förster Moderates TradeTech Panel on Digital Transformation at Hinrich Foundation’s Global Connect 2024

On June  1, Marco Förster, ASEAN Director at Dezan Shira & Associates, moderated the TradeTech Panel: Race for Digital Transformation, which was held at the Hinrich Foundation Center in Singapore. This event was a key highlight of the HFAA Global Connect 2024, focusing on the transformative impact of digital technologies on global trade. The panel […]

June 21, 2024

Dezan Shira & Associates Explores Impact of China's New Company Law on Financial and Corporate Management in Collaboration with CPA Australia in Shanghai

On Thursday, June 6, Allan Xu, Partner, Business Advisory Services, and Lee Ding, Manager, Corporate Accounting Services, shared important updates on China’s New Company Law, focusing on the legal and financial impacts of the revision. These changes are expected to affect financial and accounting managers, as well as corporate decision-makers. The seminar, exclusively for CPA […]

June 11, 2024

Board of Directors of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam Explores Vietnam's Economic Landscape with Ambassador

Ho Chi Minh City – On May 28, 2024, Patricia Aranguren Moliner, a member of Dezan Shira & Associates’ International Business Advisory Team, and currently serving as Treasurer on the elected Board of Directors of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam for the 2024-2026 term, participated in a special meeting with Spanish Ambassador Carmen […]

June 05, 2024

Bruno Hernandez and Mosley Li Discuss Manpower and Employment Regulations in China at Swiss China Business Academy (2023-2024)

On Thursday, May 23rd, Bruno Hernandez, Senior Associate of International Business Advisory, and Mosley Li, Assistant Manager of Human Resources Administration and Payroll at Dezan Shira & Associates, participated in a discussion session hosted by the Swiss China Business Academy (SCBA). The session shed light on the intricacies of recruitment and human resource management in […]

Trusted by Global Businesses

Our clients are headquartered in more than 100 countries worldwide - including Europe, the Americas, and Asia, ranging in size from start-ups, to mid-cap and large enterprises. Here is what our clients have to share about us:

Dezan Shira has played a crucial role in helping our China expansion from a RO to a full-fledged trading entity - through careful planning, in-person meetings, and qualitative strategic advice. The setup ... is particularly complex in China, but we were led through the legal and tax intricacies, regulations, and obligations towards local authorities smoothly. We were delighted to close the circle by inaugurating our China office with Dezan Shira’s help.
Ping has offices in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Thailand. We’ve been a client of Dezan Shira’s for 25 years, from setting up companies, to back-office services. Although many “big 8” firms think they specialize in Asia, ... Dezan Shira is the only firm that I know of with the breadth, depth, and expertise across the region. My compliments to the team for our 25 years of positive experience; I rely on, recommend, and trust you even more.
Dezan Shira & Associates’ excellent integrated corporate service solutions and strategic advice, have played a crucial role for us in implementing our Singapore expansion plans.
Dezan Shira assists Organica Water with our corporate secretarial services, financial and tax advice in Asia. Their availability and high-level professional services have led to a valuable long-term relationship, re sulting in global cooperation.
Our company had already been operating in Asia for years. However, Dezan Shira’s Business Intelligence team provided us with a country benchmarking study, that led us to make key decisions with our supply chain th...at has since increased our company's competitiveness.
From the complex Shanghai entity setup to tax advisory across several Asian jurisdictions, Dezan Shira & Associates provided us with value-added services that have allowed us to quickly grow and steady our business in the region.

Our collection of Asia resources at your fingertips

Asiapedia is a collection of resources based on what we have learned about doing business in Asia. It’s the product of more than 300 team members collaborating across 35 offices in Asia, Europe, and North America.
