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Project details

Dutch VOD platform company seeks strategic partners.

Project region Netherlands / India
Industry Technology
Total value of the target N/A
Expected target net rate of return after deducting all taxes and fees N/A
Validity period of pending order 365


  • Simon Laube

    Simon Laube

    Assistant Manager, International Business Advisory

Project highlights high European coverage - cooperation with Bilibili & CCTV - strategic financing
Project description

Dutch VOD platform provider focuses on international creative video customers. In order to provide users with the best access scheme in the European user market. The provider uses the convenient OTT VOD platform and the exclusive European mainstream set-top with high European coverage. If customers use the subscription service, they can use various tools and technologies which support their video creation. The customer only needs to focus on the content of their videos, and all other matters are left to the company. The company is the best choice for Chinese video content accessible to the European market: it has strategic cooperation with Youku and signed strategic contracts with Bilibili and CCTV respectively in 2019. Now its joint venture is in India and the company seeks strategic financing.

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