928 Startup Challenge | Business Environment in the Greater Bay Area
Webinar | Tuesday, October 5, 2021 | 7:00 PM China

On October 5, 2021, Guilherme Campos, International Business Advisory Manager in South China, will host a webinar on the business environment in the Greater Bay Area at the 928 Startup Challenge. Guilherme will discuss the key hurdles encountered by SMEs in South China, and lean management strategies for overcoming them.
The 928 Challenge is the first startup competition among higher education students from China and Portuguese Speaking Countries with a focus on sustainability. This competition is jointly organized by the Permanent Secretariat for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese Speaking countries (Macau Forum), City University of Macau, Shenzhen University, and United Nations University Institute in Macau. Teams of young entrepreneurs will define, validate and develop a business model under the Lean Startup methodology.
The bootcamp program will be delivered online and provide a dynamic environment, networking opportunities, and intensive work-flow.The bootcamp includes talks and mentoring sessions designed to support the different stages of your business idea.
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