Benelux Chamber SME Seminar Series 2014 | Finance Edition

Beijing, China | January 10, 2014 | 8:00am - 10:30 am

Dezan Shira & Associates are pleased to annouce that Hannah Feng, Senior Manager of Corporate Accounting Services in Beijing, will be speaking at the first edition of Benelux Chamber's brand new SME Seminar Series: Finance Edition.

The presentation topic will be: "Cross-border transactions, profit repatriation and funding of SME's in China - Practical steps to overcome your biggest challenges". This first edition will focus on the topic of Finance and provides you with practical solutions on how to overcome your biggest challenges concerning cross border transactions, profit repatriation and funding your SME in China. Through case studies based on actual events you will get answers to the following questions:

Case study 1: How the newly implemented foreign exchange rules affect SME import and export transactions;

Case study 2: How to apply for VAT exemption on cross-border services;

Case study 3: What are the new cross-border tax withholding rules without need of a Tax Clearance Certificate;

Case study 4: How to manage inter-company borrowing and charge-backs to avoid unwanted tax bureau scrutiny;

Case study 5: How to repatriate or distribute profits and enjoy a lower withholding tax rate on dividends.

Ms. Hannah Feng is the senior manager of Corporate Accounting Services in the Beijing office of Dezan Shira & Associates. For the past seven years since joining Dezan Shira & Associates, Hannah has focused on managing financial reviews and tax and accounting services for foreign invested enterprises, and has a thorough knowledge of both domestic and international finance, accounting and tax regulations. Hannah was awarded a Master’s degree in finance from Tianjin University and a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Nankai University. She is also qualified as a PRC Certified Tax Agent (CTA).


0800 - 0830: Registrations

0830 - 0930: Presentations
0930 - 1000: Q&A Session

1000 - 1030: Networking


Member: 70 RMB

Non-member: 140 RMB


For further information and to register for the event, please contact or call +86 (0)10 8523 6101 / 6105

Please note: in case you registered but cannot attend, please remember to cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance, otherwise a no-show fee will apply and you will be invoiced for the event.

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