Beyond the Capitals: Challenges and Opportunities Outside Tier One Cities
Beijing / Online | February 08, 2021 | 3:00 PM China

In recent years, Chinese professionals and young graduates are flowing into “new first-tier” or second-tier cities such as Chengdu, Chongqing and Hangzhou; high-tech companies have been proliferating in 35 major cities besides Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou; manufacturing industries have been relocated from first-tier cities to their neighbouring areas...The areas beyond the biggest and most developed cities are undergoing rapid expansion with vast improvements in infrastructure, transportation, education, employment and standards of living, thus playing a significant role in China’s economic transformation. How can EU SMEs benefit from China's diverse zones and regions outside tier-one cities? What are the differing characteristics, business environments and preferential policies within the new Pilot Free Trade Zones and the Economic and Technological Development Zones?
The EU SME Centre and the European Chamber are pleased to invite you to our next Working Group Meeting, where Mr. Mark Xu and Mr. Ben Rotheram from China-Britain Business Council, and Mr. Kyle Freeman from Dezan Shira & Associates will give professional insights into the practicalities of operating within China’s non-capital cities and outline the challenges and opportunities for European companies. The meeting will take place offline at the European Chamber Beijing office on the 8th February from 15:00-17:00. Online access will be offered to members not able to attend in person.
- 15:00-15:30 Registration and Networking
- 15:30-15:40 Opening Remarks
- 15:40-16:30 Panel Discussion
- 16:30-17:00 Q&A Session
Kyle Freeman is a Partner at Dezan Shira & Associates, and leads the International Business Advisory team in North China as well as the firm's North American client services desk in Asia. He advises clients on market entry strategy, corporate structuring and establishment, and related tax and legal issues concerning investment in China, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia.
Prior to joining Dezan Shira & Associates, Kyle worked in government relations and China trade policy for various public and private organizations. His work included assisting in high-level, US-China bilateral trade dialogues and organizing public-private cooperation programs to promote US and foreign investment in China.
Kyle has a master's degree in economics and international trade from the University of International Business and Economics, in Beijing, and dual bachelor's degrees in economics and global affairs from George Mason University, in Washington D.C. He has also been a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford and the Beijing Language Culture University.
Mark Xu is CBBC's China-based sector lead for Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation, and report lead for CBBC's "In the Zone", a publication that provides a comprehensive understanding of the different zones and regions in China (Pilot Free Trade Zones, Economic and Technological Development Zones, High-tech Industrial Development Zones, etc.) and the variety of favourable policies they offer.
If you would like to join this meeting, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Susana Xu at indicating whether you would like to join online or offline before Friday, 5th February COB.
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