Business Seminar on New Representative Office Regulations in China

Shanghai, China | April 26, 2011

The environment for Representative Offices ("RO") in China has changed since the beginning of March this year. New regulations have been issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), the Ministry for Public Security and the State Administration of Taxation (SAT), strengthening the registration on the one hand and the tax collection on the other. During this evening seminar, the new regulations and their effects on Representative Offices will be reviewed.
The areas affected by the changes in question include:

  • Legal requirements in establishing and maintaining ROs;
  • New administrative limitations;
  • Selection of taxation methods;
  • The annual compliance and accounting requirements;
  • Associated tax burdens;
  • Business restructuring – should I convert my ROs into WFOEs?

To know more about the latest changes in RO regulations and the related legal and tax implications on setting up and maintaining an RO in China, we invite you to join the above seminar on April 26th (Tuesday) and get professional advice from the expert in the field Mr. Fabian Knopf.

Fabian is a Business Development Associate at Dezan Shira & Associates and advises clients in the Yangtze River Delta with a special focus on Suzhou in matters of foreign investment, particularly on the accounting, legal and tax structures in China. Fabian received his Bachelor education in International Business Management with HFU Business School in Germany and Northwest University in Xi’an, China. He oversees the operations for the newly opened Dezan Shira & Associates office in Suzhou and regularly contributes to both the German and English publications of China Briefing

18:15 - 18:30 - Registration
18:30 - 19:00 - New RO Regulations presentation by Mr. Fabian Knopf
19:00 - 19:30 - Q&A
19.30 - 20.00 - Complimentary drinks & networking

Entrance Fee: RMB 100 (incl. Snacks & Beverages)

In case you have already questions you would like to ask, please send back to in advance so that we can ask the expert to prepare detailed answer to your inquiry.

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