Strategies for Effectively Managing Company Downsizing and Salary Reduction in the Wake of Covid-19 后疫情情势下企业有效减员降薪策略(CN中文)

Nanjing | June 30, 2020 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

This event will be held in Chinese.

On June 30, Allan Xu, Head of Business Advisory Services, and Chenchen Liu, Business Advisory Services Senior Associte, will hold a workshop on effectively managing company downsizing and salary reductions in the wake of Covid-19.

Affected by the epidemic, economies around the world have been hard hit, forcing many companies to face difficult HR challenges. In these uncertain times, companies must efficiently allocate their human resources by adjusting their internal organization structure and salary structure in order to guarantee long term sustainable development.  However, the tasks involved in these adjustments, such as downsizing and salary reduction, are not your common everyday tasks done by your HR team.  Many companies lack experience dealing with these types of matters and can open themselves up to legal risks if not handled properly.


The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter is pleased to invite Allan and Chenchen to discuss strategies regarding employee and salary reduction during the Covid-19 outbreak. Allan and Chenchen will also discuss legal regulations and case studies specific to the Nanjing area to help members understand the local situation.

中国欧盟商会南京分会很荣幸地邀请协力管理咨询有限公司的业务咨询服务部负责人Allan Xu和业务咨询服务高级助理刘Chenchen Liu,与我们一起分享和讨论在2019冠状病毒病暴发下,企业应该如何应对关于裁员和减薪的相关政策和策略。另外,Allan和Chenchen也将会特别针对南京地区的相关法律法规和案例研究进行讨论,以帮助企业以及个人进一步地了解南京的情况。

Key Topics

  • Latest labor laws and regulations regarding staff reduction and salary reduction under Covid-19 有关Covid-19裁员和减薪的最新劳动法律法规
  • Overview of the downsizing and staff reductions granted to enterprises 企业的裁员和裁员概述
    • How to develop a downsizing plan for different businesses, types of employees, and regions 如何针对不同业务制,员工类型和地区的裁员计划和措施
    • Under what circumstances should they be applied? 在什么情况下可以使用它们?
    • Compensation and legal consequences 赔偿和法律后果
    • Employee acceptance vs layoffs 员工接受与裁员
  • Best practices for companies looking to reduce salaries 企业寻求降低薪资的最佳做法
    • Methods of corporate salary reduction 企业减薪方法
    • Legal procedures and strategies 法律程序和策略
  • Case study 案例分析


Registration Details

This seminar is hosted by EUCham Nanjing.  

Members: 200 RMB / Non-Members: 300 RMB

For more information and registration please click here

Those who register through Dezan Shira & Assocaites can enjoy the special member price of 200 RMB.  Please email Lauren Fujino ( with your full name, company name, and phone number before June 24

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