Dalian Chapter: What You Need to Know about the Labor Contract Law

Dalian, China | September 16, 2010

Speakers include:

Lina Wang, senior associate in the business advisory services division of Dezan Shira & Associates, Dalian office
Victor Liu, attorney at law and partner at Liaoning Haida Law Firm,
Click here for bios.

AmCham-China, Dalian Chapter warmly invites you to attend an informative seminar on China’s new Labor Contract Law. The workshop aims to provide managers at foreign-invested entities in China with the knowledge they need to manage their workforce more effectively. Specific topics will include:

  • Requirements of the Labor Contract Law during recruitment:

Necessity of an offer letter
What to include in job vacancy advertisements
How to conclude a labor contract
What must be included in a labor contract

  • Termination of the Labor Contract:

Dismissing employees who are found not to be qualified

  • Non-competition agreements:

Elements of a valid non-competition agreement
Reasonable compensation and penalty for a non-competition agreement

  • Internal Rules and Regulations

Risks for employers if regulations are not in compliance with the law
How to make internal rules and regulations comply with legal requirements
Factors in determining actions which may be considered a "serious breach" of internal regulations

Meeting Room Bai Lu, B1, Building 1, Dalian Ascendas IT Park
1 Hui Xian Yuan
Dalian Hi-tech Industrial Zone
Tel: (86 411) 84593366

4:00 - 4:30 PM Registration
4:30 - 5:30 PM Presentation by Lina Wang and Q&A
5:30 - 5:45 PM Coffee Break
5:45 - 6:30 PM Presentation by Victor Liu
6:30 - 7:30 PM Coffee Break & Networking Hour

Cardholding members advanced discounted online price: RMB 50
Cardholding members at the door: RMB 75
Non-cardholding employees of member companies: RMB 100
Non-members: RMB 150*
The registration deadline for this event is 4:00 PM, Wednesday, September 15.
Click here to register and pay online.

AmCham-China Events:
* Not a member yet? Want to enjoy member pricing? AmCham-China will credit the cost of this event if you join the chapter within 20 days of the event date! Membership pricing has never been more affordable, so contact Kate Gubanova today at: egubanova@amchamchina.org for more details.

As the event has limited seating we strongly encourage you to RSVP as soon as possible to egubanova@amchamchina.org or click here to sign-up online.

Cancellation Policy:
If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than one business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify AmCham-China of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for event costs.

To cancel you can 1) call 8519-0828 and leave a voicemail message including your name, and event title and date, 2) email cancel@amchamchina.org, or 3) cancel online if you registered for the event through the website. Thank you for your cooperation and helping AmCham-China maintain the quality of its events.

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