Doing Business in China: Corporate Law and IP Protection

Beijing, China l October 12, 2019

Ines Liu, our Assistant Manager from the International Business Advisory team in Beijing, will be attending the Land in China Startup Camp 12 October to present on doing business in China and trademark (IP) related issues.  

Hosted by Innoway, the Land in China Startup Camp is a short-term acceleration program for foreign startups that are trying to land in China. It helps top global startups understand the Chinese market through training seminars, and find right business partners and investors, through matchmaking sessions. The camp takes place during the China Innovation Week (October 9-15), a festival supported by the government for celebrating and showcasing Chinese and international innovation & entrepreneurship.

Land in China Startup Camp allows startups from all over the world explore opportunities in the Chinese market, attend professional training by an international law firm and acceleration team, have unique networking opportunities, benefit from matchmaking with relevant companies and players, and enjoy vast media exposure. 

To register to attend Ines' presentation, please click here:

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