Effective and in compliance? A practical approach to Individual Income Tax for Freelancers

Beijing, China | April 17, 2012

This presentation aims to give an overview of the different regulations concerning Individual Income Tax in China. The speaker will focus on the issues that freelancers face when they come to work in China. Through real world examples, the presentation will outline the main ways to structure your IIT in an effective way, while always being in compliance with all regulations. One section of the presentation will provide insight into the special status that journalists have while working full-time in China, despite being employed overseas. Focusing on a variety of freelance positions, and tax structuring in general, this presentation is a must for everyone who wants to learn more about structuring income effectively while remaining in compliance with the laws and regulations.

To read more about the speaker, Manuela Reintgen, please click here

Contact Mrs. Lue, Lue@germancentre.org.cn , for registration.



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