Gunjan Sinha to Present to US Clients and Partners

Miami Florida, United States | May 30, 2014 Chicago, Illinois, United States | June 7-10, 2014 Denver, Colorado, United States | June 11-13, 2014 Washington DC, United States | June 16-17, 2014

May 30 – June 18: Country Manager of India Offices to Visit U.S.

What opportunities are available in India for U.S. companies?

Ms. Gunjan Sinha, Country Manager of Dezan Shira’s India offices, will be travelling in the U.S. from May 30 to June 18 where she will be attending and presenting at business conferences and events. Ms. Sinha will also be meeting U.S.-based clients to discuss inbound and outbound investment and possibilities to expand their business into India.

Gunjan’s presentations will address important questions for doing business in India, including:

  • What are my options for setting up a business in India?
  • How do I establish a company and make changes to it?
  • What are India’s major taxes?
  • What are some of the key compliance requirements?
  • What are the benefits of having a Permanent Account Number?
  • What major legal obligations does a company have for its staff?
  • What are the Social Security Norms for employees in India?

Gunjan specializes in the following areas:

  • India business and investment entry strategy
  • Corporate governance & compliances
  • Corporate accounting, financial analysis and due diligence
  • Corporate tax and related advisory
  • Legal contract draft and review

May 30: Florida
May 30: Growing Opportunities for US India Trade and Investment, Miami Florida

June 7-10: Illinois
June 9-10: Leading Edge Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois

June 11-13: Colorado
June 11-13: International Day with EKS&H, Certified Public Accountants, Denver, Colorado

June 16-17: Washington DC
June 16-17: Investing into India Legal and Tax Update, organized by Bloomberg BNA, Washington DC

Ms. Sinha, a native of New Delhi, holds a Master’s in Commercial Law (LL.M.) and the license of an Associate Member with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).

Gunjan is a native of New Delhi and has an exposure to key business areas of industries in India and their compliance requirements. She also specializes in the areas of legal and corporate structuring, as well as possess a comprehensive understanding of the key legal and accounting practices for companies in India.

If you would like to meet with Ms. Sinha in the U.S. to discuss business and investment opportunities in India, please contact Ms. Vandana Singh:Vandana Singh

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