How to Sell to Post-Covid-19 Consumer Market in China

9.30 am BST in UK | 4.30 pm CST in China

On June 2nd, Maria Kotova, Head of UK & Ireland Desk, will present a webinar “How to Sell to Post-Covid-19 Consumer Market in China”.

Pandemic in China abruptly changed people’s buying habits, preferences and mindsets. World’s largest consumer market will inevitably respond with increased demand for companies to faster into digital economy. Foreign businesses moved quickly to adopt their models by dramatically scaling up their digital footprints in the market. Chinese government sets up 46 new cross-border e-commerce pilot zones to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic that will provide new benefits and tax cuts.
Join us for the engaging discussion on subject where we will cover:

  • China consumer market overview. What are the recent trends in post-Covid-19 Chinese consumers market? Introduction to the increasing e-commerce and digital dominance in retail. Overview on the core regulatory areas to watch for under the new trading flows.
  • What are the key legal and financial considerations for UK businesses selling to consumer market in China? An examination of best practices and tips for selling on-line to China from overseas and selling on-line in China while staying compliance and minimize risks.

We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity and join us for this engaging session.

The webinar is organized with China-Britain Business Council (CBBC), partner that Dezan Shira & Associates has been collaborating closely on support for UK businesses.

The UK & Ireland Desk at Dezan Shira is dedicated to provide the support to British businesses and helping them navigate the complicated regulatory landscape in China and anticipate potential legal risks in the ever-changing business environment. Our team provides expert advice to UK companies to ensure our clients maintain control of their Asian operations.


Registration Details

Event will be hosted at 9.30 am BST in UK and 4.30 pm CST in China

The webinar session is free of charge and hosted by CBBC. To register please click here.

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