International Cash, Treasury & Risk for Finance Professionals in Asia

Singapore| May 20-22, 2015

The world is at an inflection point. The US recovery is spluttering, the Eurozone is a question mark, emerging market growth is lower than pre-crisis levels and in Asia everything, as always, depends on China.

The question is how do you drive business forward in these uncertain times?

We will help give you the answer to this as well as the chance to help shape solutions for the treasury industry going forward at our 21st annual conference on International Cash, Treasury & Risk for Finance Professionals in Asia.

Brand new topics for 2015 include:

  • Getting to grips with the global economic picture
  • Upgrading your risk management infrastructure
  • The latest intelligence on China
  • Avoiding common hedging errors
  • Keeping the regulators happy
  • Liquidity optimisation in Asia
  • How to implement On-Behalf-of Structures
  • Excellence in Asian payments
  • Pre-conference training: Practical workshops that allow you to delve deeper into key topics

View the full programme here  

Don’t miss your opportunity to meet over 500 corporate treasury professionals and discover the latest treasury trends, developments and techniques.

If you have an enquiry please contact us:

Phone: +44 (0)207 567 8555


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