Mini Crystal Ball: It was the best of times, It was the worst of times [Hosted by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Vietnam]
Luncheon | Thursday, August 4, 2022 | 11:30 AM - 01:30 PM Vietnam Time

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (Cancham) has proudly hosted the iconic "Annual Crystal Ball Luncheon," bringing together a panel of leading industry experts to share insights from the past year, in order to outline confidential predictions on the challenges and opportunities that await in the year ahead for doing business in Vietnam. Upon the invitation of Executive Director Zach HerbersFor Dezan Shira & Associates, Alexiane Monier, expert in our International Business Advisory team, will deliver a presentation on "Key Sector Trends and Manufacturing"
CanCham Vietnam also hosts a monthly Capital Markets Event, organizing informal panel discussions focused on key trends and insights relating to the financial sector in Vietnam.
2022 so far has been a mixed year - it has been the best of times, and the worst of times. We've seen the emergence of COVID-19 restrictions, reopening of borders and pent-up demand in trade, investment and tourism. Yet, the supply chain crisis continues, soaring inflation and fuel prices and global tensions and conflict present significant new challenges.
Join Alexiane for a casual lunch and engaging discussion on where we are so far in 2022, and what could be coming next.
1. Ismael Pili - Vina Capital - Macro & Market Overview & Outlook
2. Ralf Matthaes - InFocus Mekong - Consumer Behaviour & Meta Trends
3. Alex Crane - Knight Frank - Vietnam Real Estate Insights
4. Alexiane Monier - Dezan Shira & Associates - Key Sector Trends Manufacturing
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