Vietnam's New Personal Data Protection Decree - Understand and Master the Compliance Requirements

Webinar | Thursday, June 15, 2023 | 3:30 PM Vietnam / 4:30 PM China / 11:30 AM CET

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Taking effect on July 1, 2023, Vietnam’s Personal Data Protection Decree (PDPD, Decree No. 13/2023/ND-CP is a significant step for the country and is expected to have a profound impact on both local and foreign-invested companies doing business in and with Vietnam. Thus, compliance to this new regulation is mandated to all entities in any kind onshore or offshore that proceed with Vietnamese individuals' information.

To help companies better prepare, Toan Quoc Doan, Manager of IT & Technology Service and Patricia Aranguren Moliner, International Business Advisor Associate of Dezan Shira & Associates Vietnam, introduced the PDPD and explains several key considerations to take to build a roadmap for compliance. Detailed actions from both a technical and organizational perspective will be discussed as well from an IT professional’s perspective. Targeted to serve the needs and perspective of IT experts but with relevance also for other roles in a firm, the webinar will create awareness of the main keynotes about this decree for avoiding the violation on a daily basis.

Key Topics: 

  • A bird’s eye overview of Vietnam’s IT compliance-related laws & regulations 
  • Key considerations for complying with the PDPD, including sensitive personal information, cross-border data transfer, impact on IT, DPIA (data privacy impact assessment), and methodology for compliance. 
  • Technical and organizational controls for compliance

The Webinar was Co-Hosted by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Vietnam and the Belgium - Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam.

This Event occurred on Thursday, June 15, 2023. If you were unable to attend it, you can still benefit from these resources that will help you review or discover more:

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