Partner Kyle Freeman Travels to Utah and California to Discuss Doing Business in Asia

September 23 - October 4 | Salt Lake City, Utah / Los Angeles & San Francisco, California

Partner, Kyle Freeman, will travel to Salt Lake City, Utah and Los Angeles & San Francisco, California, September - October to speak with US state governments, Asian governmental organizations, partners, and select clients. 

On September 23rd, Kyle Freeman will travel to Salt Lake City, Utah where he will meet with state government officials involved in international business attraction and development. Kyle will bring with him his experience and expertise in assisting companies in doing business in the region to discussions surrounding opening offices in Asia and furthering state companies' aims there with the goal of boosting their home state economies.

The following week, on September 30 and October 1st, Kyle will be in Los Angeles for key client meetings and to connect with strategic partners. He will then travel to San Francisco October 2nd through the 4th to meet with Asian government representatives and to hold further client meetings.


  • Sept. 23-27: Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Sept. 30-Oct. 1: Los Angeles, California
  • Oct. 2-4: San Francisco, California

To schedule a meeting with Kyle in Salt Lake City, Los Angeles or San Francisco, please get in touch with him here


Event Info

Sep 23, 2024

Location & Time

September 23 - October 4 | Salt Lake City, Utah / Los Angeles & San Francisco, California

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