Roadshow Italy 2015
Trento, Piacenza, Treviso, Padova, Vicenza, Udine | September 23 - October 7, 2015

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Riccardo Benussi of the International Business Advisory team at the Shanghai office of Dezan Shira & Associates and Andrea Volpe of Dezan Shira & Associates Italia liaison office, will be on a roadshow from September 23rd to October 7th through Italy, engaging in meetings with current and prospective partners and clients. They will also deliver presentations about "Selling to China: methods, certificates and licenses, online market, trends, strategies and financing" in Trento, Piacenza, Treviso, Padova, Vicenza and Udine, Italy.
Riccardo's areas of expertise include setting up of wholly foreign-owned enterprises and representative offices, and trademark filing in China. His industry experience includes international food and beverage and high-tech. Riccardo also co-manages the Italian Desk with Dezan Shira & Associates’ Managing Partner, Alberto Vettoretti.
The presentations will cover following topics:
Selling in China – certificates, licenses, on-line sales, trends and regulatory issues
- Direct distribution
- Market analysis
- The ‘agent and distributor’ model
- E-commerce
- Consortia of businesses
- Independent presence in Asia
- Representative Office, WFOEs, JVs
- Recent data from major relevant industries for China and South-east Asia
- Export duties
- Commodities sectors with high potential for Italian export. Trends for:
- Mechanics
- Pharmaceutical e chemical
- Cosmetics
- Furniture
- Footwear
- Food, wine and liquor
- Certificates and licenses: Procedures and timing:
- CCC and other standards;
- AQSIQ and CFDA: what these are and what they do for businesses;
- China Food Safety Law and labelling in F&B;
- Intellectual property: how IP impacts on FDI with regard to trademarks, patents, GIs and how to seek protection on the ground, at Customs, at trade fairs and on-line.
Roadshow 21 – 30 settembre 2015
Dott. Riccardo Benussi (Dezan Shira & Associates Shanghai) - Dott. Andrea Volpe (Dezan Shira & Associates Italia liaison office / Eurolink g.e.i.e.)
Vendere in Cina – metodo, licenze, mercato on-line, trend ed avvertenze
- Distribuzione diretta
- Analisi di mercato (indagini di settore, di competitor, eventi fieristici, ricerca di suppliers)
- Il modello ‘agente e distributore’
- E-commerce – cenni iniziali
- Consorzi e reti di impresa
- Presenza indipendente in Asia (Foreign Direct Investment - FDI)
- Representative Office, Service Wholly Foreign Owned Entity (WFOE), Manufacturing WFOE, JVs
- Dati recenti dai principali mercati di riferimento: Cina e resto Sud Est asiatico
- Il tema dei dazi all’esportazione in Oriente
- Settori merceologici di maggiore potenzialita’ dell’export italiano. Numeri e trend:
- Meccanica
- Farmaceutico e chimica
- Cosmesi
- Arredo legno
- Calzature
- Alimentare, vino e liquori
- Certificati e licenze per categoria merceologica: procedure e tempi
- CCC ed altri standards (tra gli altri: China Energy Label, GuoBiao
- AQSIQ e CFDA – le autorita’: cosa sono e cosa fanno
- China Food Safety Law (paragone 2009 vs. 2015) ed etichettatura (alimentare, vino, in particolare prodotti a contenuto di carni, prodotti caseari)
- E-commerce in Cina – approfondimento
- Proprieta’ Intellettuale:
- marchi – brevetti – indicazioni geografiche – tutela IP nel foreign direct investment ed on-line
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