The New Silk Road: Opportunities for Italy & the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

Pordenone, Italy | February 20, 2018

On Tuesday, February 20, Andrea Volpe, Italian Desk Counsel, based in Dezan Shira & Associates Udine office, will participate in a round table discussion on the New Silk Road in Pordenone.

The event will consist of two parts: a morning session in Convento di San Francesco, Piazza della Motta and an afternoon session at Palazzo Mantica, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 56:


Morning Session Agenda (8:30-13:00)

  • Summary of Strategies for Power in the Far East
  • Teaching of Chinese language in secondary school
  • Studying and working in China
  • America First or Chinese Dream?

Afternoon Session Agenda (15:00-19:00)

  • International context of China
  • The New Silk Road – Trieste’s Harbour
  • Round table discussion: The New Silk Road: Opportunities for Italy and the Friuli Venezia Giulia region



To register, please send an email to: ASAP, as seats are limited. Tickets are complimentary.

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