The Transport Infrastructure Outlook
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | May 22-23, 2017

Vietnam set itself the target of becoming an industrialized country by 2020 and plans to invest US$400 billion in infrastructure, half of which will be privately funded. Vietnam’s 2011 – 2020 Socio-Economic Development Strategy (SEDS) sets the basis for infrastructure development and economic growth in the country.
As of mid-2016, there were 68 BOT projects formulated under the management of the Ministry of Transportation (MOT) in the road, highway, airport, canal and railway sectors. The up-coming project pipeline amounts to US$176 billion, with rail projects dominating the portfolio, followed by the power sector and the process industries.
An average annual growth rate of 5.4% and reduction in poverty rates from 60% to 20% of the population clearly indicate that Vietnam is well on the path to achieving Middle Income Country status (WB, 2013)
The Transport Infrastructure Outlook – Vietnam 2017 shall focus on the current and proposed developments happening in the region and cater to the policy and regulatory affairs, funding requirements and technological advancements in the sector.
Our Senior Associate, Oscar A. Mussons will present the following topic: The Role of SMEs in the transport infrastructure development on May 22 at 4:30PM.
Oscar will also take part in the following panel discussion: The EU-Vietnam FTA. Opportunities and Challenges for the Transportation Sector on May 23 at 2:30PM.
•Vietnam will be in a privileged situation as the only country in South-East Asia to have signed such an agreement except Singapore
•Both Vietnam and the EU will access a market of hundreds of millions people
•The Vietnamese legislation has been amended to become investor-friendly like the Law on Enterprises, the Investment Law and the PPP Decree
•Better market access for foreign investors in transport sector, especially in maritime and air transport
•Pressure faced by Vietnamese transport companies in sharing the market with foreign competitors - How to solve the issues?
Know more about Transport Infrastructure Outlook, Please click here.
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