"Trade Wars" and North-Eastern Companies: Duties, International Sanctions or New Business Opportunities?

14.30-19.00, 19 Nov - Venice, Italy

On Monday 19 November 2018, our Senior Consultant from the Udine office, Andrea Volpe, will present on business planning and budgetary reflections within the context of "trade wars" at the Università Ca’ Foscari in Venice.


2.30 p.m. Welcome greetings:

Prof.ssa Monica Billio, Director of Economy Department, Ca’ Foscari University
Dott. Comm. Margherita Monti, President of Triveneto Conference Board of CPAs and Accounting Experts
Avv. Patrizia Corona, President of Triveneto Councils Union of Lawyers Board Prof. Avv. Matteo
De Poli, President of the Court for the Resolution of Controversies, Curia Mercatorum, Ordinary Professor of Economic Law, Padua University 

Ore 15.00 Introduction and moderation:

Prof. Avv. Fabrizio Marrella, Director of IBATAX Master, Ordinary Professor of International Law, Ca’ Foscari University

Prof. Giancarlo Corò, Director of “Interdepartmental School in Economy, Languages and Entrepreneurship for International Exchange” Centre: International Trade trends and neoprotectionism
Amm. SQ. Dario Giacomin, Italian Navy: Embargo enforcement: operational features
Dott. Maurizio Montemagno, Central Director of fraud and controls, Customs and Monopoly Agency: Customs and “trade wars”
Avv. Francesco Mansi, Udine Court: Embargo and international contracts
Dott. Comm. Carlotta Bedogni, Dott. Comm. Andrea Volpe, Triveneto CPAs Association: “Trade wars”: Business planning and budgetary reflections
Dott. Alfonso Santilli, President of CREDIMPEX Italy: “Trade wars” and banking activities for international trade
Avv. Michele Ius, Head of Contract at Danieli & C. Spa and GC of Fata Spa: “Commercial trade” and international contracts
Prof.ssa Elena Siagrovets, Counsel at Cristiano di Thiene Spa/Air Force: Trade with Russia in Eurasiatic Union times: operational features and new business opportunities

Ore 18.30 Conclusioni:

Prof. Avv. Andrea Giardina, President of the Italian Association for Arbitration (AIA), Professor Emeritus of International Law, Sapienza University - Rome

For more info: tutor.masteribatax@unive.it - 041 2346853

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