Webinar:Hot Topic: What You Need to Know About China's New IIT Law(中文)

Webinar | January 14th, 2019 | 2pm-3pm Beijing Time

Fuki Fu, Assistant Manager in Dezan Shira & Associates’ HR & Payroll team, will host a webinar to interpret the new IIT law. She will discuss the three key changes to the policy and how the new policy will be implemented in practice.


On August 31, 2018, the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress notified amendments to the country’s existing Individual Income Tax Law (IIT).


The revised IIT law, which marks a significant milestone to the PRC’s IIT system, was partially implemented in October 2018. At the time, the monthly threshold for individual income tax was adjusted from RMB 3500 to RMB 5000.

个税调整分两步走,其中,2018年10月1日起施行最新起征点(3,500元调整到5,000元)和税率. 而新个税细则从2019年1月1日正式施行

On January 1, 2019, the new IIT law came into full effect. There are three hot topics that raise great social concerns:


  • the six (6) Additional Specific Deductible Items; 六项专项附加扣除;
  • Accumulative withholding method; 累计预扣法;
  • Annual bonus policy 年终奖税费计算

In this webinar, we guide you through these newly released policies and interpret how these policies should be implemented to manage employees in your China business operations.  




For Registration, please click below registration button. If you have any questions about the webinar, please contact Cindy Zhang.




*Please be noted that this webinar is Free of Charge and will be in Chinese Only. For more English events on the new IIT law, please follow us here.



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