Why locate in China and ASEAN countries now?

Boston, USA | April 24, 2018 | 16:30PM-19:30PM

China has held the world’s imagination for centuries as a center for trade and globalization.  More recent trends in offshoring and global supply chains have reinforced this global powerhouse’s strengths in efficient production and innovation.

However, national retrenchment, changes in US tax law, and rumors of labor market tightening present new challenges to companies and investors considering investing in the China market.  Smart companies need insight into the real story on the ground and also need to understand how to properly establish and function in China.

Investment Consulting Associates, Dezan Shira & Associates, and KLR collectively have many decades of experience in global location decision making, market entry to China, and global tax and HR matters.  In this 90-minute session, we will outline and explore the opportunities and issues inherent in setting up in China today.



16:30-17:00   Coffee & Registration

17:00-17:15   Opening & Welcome 

Christopher Steele, President North America & COO at Investment Consulting Associates (ICA)

17:15-17:30   Recent Trends in FDI:  Why locate in China and ASEAN countries now   

Christopher Steele, President North America & COO at Investment Consulting Associates (ICA)

17:30-17:45   Emerging Asia Opportunities for SME’s   

Maria Kotova, Global Business Development Manager at Dezan Shira & Associates

17:45-18:00  Challenges of Companies Investing Overseas Under the New Tax Law

Paul Oliveira, CPA/MST, Shareholder and Director of Tax Services, KLR

18:00-18:45   Panel Discussion

18:45-19:30   Meet the presenters & networking drinks



Early bird* | USD 65

From 31 March 2018 | USD 95



For more information about the event, please click here. For RSVP, please click here.



Contact Ms. Zoë Harries for further information:

E-mail:  zoe@ic-associates.com

Mobile:  +31 615 499 998


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