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Are operators engaged in food distribution required to obtain a special license in China?


Operators, whether individuals or organizations, engaged in food distribution (including retail and wholesale distribution of pre-packaged food or bulk food) are required to obtain a Food Distribution License. In certain cases, the requirement to obtain a Distribution License can be worked around, such as when a food producer who has obtained a Food Production License sells food products on their premises of production, or when a catering service provider who has obtained a relevant license sells food products at its venue.

Food distribution licensing is administrated by the Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC). The pre-requisites, application materials, validity period, and time frame for processing applications and renewals for food distribution operators are similar to those stipulated for catering service providers. If an entity has branches engaged in food distribution, each branch should apply for a separate Food Distribution License. Site inspection may be conducted if deemed necessary by the authorities.

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