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Do catering service providers need to obtain a special license in China?


Catering service providers, whether individuals or organizations, must obtain a Catering License prior to engaging in business operations. This applies to group meal delivery service providers but not food stall operators or providers of semi-finished food products. The licensing system is administered by China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) and its local operations. License application materials include:

  • Business license (for those already engaged in other business operations) or evidence of name pre-approval;
  • A diagram of the premises and the on-site service processes;
  • A description of the food safety system.

An entity providing catering services at various locations must apply for separate licenses. The application process entails a site inspection conducted by the CFDA. The CFDA is charged with issuing a decision within 20 business days of accepting an application, but may extend this deadline by an additional 10 days if needed. The applicant should receive a License within 10 business days of approval. Following approval, licenses must be displayed in a visible location on the business premises and are valid for three years. Licenses for the provision of temporary catering services may not exceed six months’ validity. Reapplication should be made 30 days prior to expiry with the original issuing body.

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