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How does a company obtain a China Compulsory Certification (CCC) label?


Once granted CCC approval, companies may purchase CCC labels in five standard sizes, or apply to print or mold their own custom CCC labels directly on the product in sizes proportionate to the standard labels. By default, labels consist of a black design on a white background, but the color of custom CCC labels may be altered to match the appearance of a product. There are four kinds of CCC labels. S on the CCC label stands for Safety, EMC for Electromagnetic compatibility, S&E for a combination of the two and F for Fire fighting.

The label should be placed on the outside of the product. If this is not possible, it should be printed on the closest layer of packaging to the product and on the product manual/specifications. The label can also be printed on the external packaging of the product. Certified products manufactured abroad should be affixed with labels prior to importation, while those manufactured domestically should have labels affixed before leaving the factory. The backs of all CCC labels carry an identifier code linked to the factory and product. These are recorded by the issuing authority and are available for consumer inspection. The CCC public service platform website allows the public to inquire about products and enterprises that have received CCC certification, as well as verify the authenticity of CCC labels and certificates.

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