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What have been 21st century trends in the growth of China?s entertainment industry?


China’s entertainment industry has grown tremendously in the 21st century as a result of numerous political and economic factors. During the financial crisis of 2008-2009, Chinese policymakers strived to find ways to diversify the Chinese economy. Therefore the government shifted away from its heavy reliance on exports and centralized part of its focus on the “cultural industry,” a key sector for government support in the twelfth Five-year Plan spanning from 2011 to 2015. Furthermore, as the Chinese economy continues to grow and the middle class expands, disposable income has also increased. According to Ernst & Young, disposable income has grown from US $760 per person in 2000 to US $3440 in 2011. Therefore more and more people in the Chinese population are beginning to accumulate economic means to consume products from the Media & Entertainment sector.

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