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What requirements must be met to obtain a Food Production License in China?


In terms of requirements, the enterprise must possess the means for processing the specified type and volume of food products and must maintain the cleanliness of facilities. All staff involved in food service must undergo China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) approved safety training and a system must be in place for ensuring food product safety, including the prevention of cross-contamination. These requirements also apply to the Food Distribution and Catering Licenses.

Applicants for a Food Production License should additionally set up health inspection and inspection records system or other health management systems for their personnel, establish a goods purchasing and pre-delivery inspection records system, and other food safety management systems for basic food ingredient inspections and manufacturing processes. Among other application documents, applicants are required to submit:

  • Layout plans for the food productions and processing venue and the surroundings thereof, including each functional section;
  • Checklist of all equipment and facilities for food production;
  • Food production process workflow chart and equipment layout diagram;
  • Food safety standards applying to the product(s) in question.

Food production enterprises are also required to meet food safety standards. A mandatory food safety national standard titled General Hygienic Practices for Food Production was promulgated in May 2013, and will come into effect on June 1, 2014. The document consists of 14 chapters and includes specifications on production venue selection; facilities and equipment; hygiene management; basic food ingredients; food additives; food safety control in the manufacturing process; inspection; food storage and transportation; product recall management; and archive records management.

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