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Where are applications for a Production License submitted in China and what is the process?


Applications are submitted to the provincial Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau (QTSB) in the region of the enterprise’s registration. The QTSB will issue a letter of acceptance upon receiving the application, following which the enterprise must undergo two inspections: a field inspection of the enterprise site and a product sample inspection. Enterprises will be notified with five days’ notice prior to a field inspection and a field inspection team consisting of two to four examiners will conduct an inspection over one to three days. Once the enterprise passes its field test, a product sample will be sealed by the inspection team for the enterprise to send to the testing authority within seven days. Inspection will be carried out by either the provincial QTSB or an inspection agency, depending on the product category. Inspection will be completed and results published within 30 days of application.

Altogether, the state-level General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) is charged with delivering a final decision within 60 days of an application’s acceptance (excluding the time for inspecting the product sample). If approved, a license will be granted within 10 days of the decision in both an original and duplicate version. The license mark consists of the letter Q and the characters “生产许可” written in a blue font, with a white letter S. Enterprises must print the Production License mark and series number on the product, packaging, and instructions – except in cases where the nature of the product makes it difficult to do so – within six months of license approval.

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