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Which sub-sector of the retail industry employs the most experienced professionals in China?


Luxury goods professionals are slightly older than industry average: 28.5 years versus 28.3 years. They are also among the most experienced: 5.1 years compared to 4.8 years for the overall retail industry. Sales representatives represent 45.5 percent of the sample of professionals, by far the largest proportion across sub-sectors (34.4 percent for the overall retail industry). Women have a greater presence in this sub-sector, accounting for 65.5 percent of resumes; this reaches 69.5 percent at the branch manager level but drops to 55.6 percent for sales managers. To reach these positions, it takes about 7.4 years of work experience for branch managers, and 6.9 years for sales managers. In both cases, luxury goods managers are almost the most experienced, second only to managers in the retail specialist sub-sector.

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