Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



The Importance of ASEAN for American Companies

The Importance of ASEAN for American Companies

Dezan Shira & Associates Founder, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, answers important questions about ASEAN and its importance for American companies doing business in Asia.


The Importance of China for American Companies

The Importance of China for American Companies

Dezan Shira & Associates Founder, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, answers important questions to consider for American companies when entering the Chinese market.


The Importance of Vietnam for American Companies

The Importance of Vietnam for American Companies

Dezan Shira & Associates Founder, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, answers important questions to consider for American companies when entering the Vietnamese market.


?Singapur and Hongkong Holdinggesellschaften? prsentiert von Fabian Knopf

?Singapur and Hongkong Holdinggesellschaften? prsentiert von Fabian Knopf

Herr Fabian Knopf, Senior Associate of Business Development von Dezan Shira und Associates in Shenzhen, präsentiert die Verwendung von Holdinggesellschaften in Singapur und Hongkong für Investitionen in Asien.


?Eine Einfhrung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen? prsentiert vom German Desk

?Eine Einfhrung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen? prsentiert vom German Desk

In diesem Podcast wird das Konzept einer Entwicklungszone und die Vorteile für ausländische Investoren erläutert, die in den aufstrebenden asiatischen Märkten tätig werden wollen.


India Briefing Magazine, July 2013 Issue:

India Briefing Magazine, July 2013 Issue:

Gunjan Sinha, Dezan Shira alumna, discusses trading with India, focusing on the dynamics driving India as a global trading hub.


Qingdao QIBA Event Summary: "VAT Reform is Coming: Is your business ready?" pres...

Qingdao QIBA Event Summary:

Ms. Sabrina Zhang, National Tax Partner of Dezan Shira and Associates in Beijing, summarizes her presentation made at Qingdao’s QIBA event: “VAT Reform is Coming: Is your business ready?”


Overview of Exit Mechanisms for Joint Ventures in China presented by Rachel Xuan

Overview of Exit Mechanisms for Joint Ventures in China presented by Rachel Xuan

Rachel Xuan, Business Advisory Manager of Dezan Shira and Associates in Beijing, discusses the Exit Mechanisms for Joint Ventures in China.


An Overview of Permanent Establishment in China presented by Daisy Huang

An Overview of Permanent Establishment in China presented by Daisy Huang

Ms. Daisy Huang, head of audit and compliance for Dezan Shira and Associates in Guangzhou, discusses how permanent establishment effects companies in China and emerging Asia.


A Comparative Look at Singapore and Hong Kong Holding Companies presented by Fab...

A Comparative Look at Singapore and Hong Kong Holding Companies presented by Fab...

Mr. Fabian Knopf, Senior Associate of Business Development for Dezan Shira and Associates in Shenzhen, discusses the use of Singapore and Hong Kong holding companies for investments in Asia.


"Erweiterung Ihres China- Geschfts nach Indien und Vietnam" prsentiert vom Ger...

In diesem Podcast von Asia Briefing, diskutieren wir warum China nicht mehr länger die einzige Lösung für exportgetriebene Geschäfte ist und wie die Entwicklung des Asienhandels Standorte wie Vietnam und Indien als wettbewerbsfähige Alternativen...


Introduction to ASEAN Briefing presented by Chris Devonshire-Ellis

Introduction to ASEAN Briefing presented by Chris Devonshire-Ellis

Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Founder of Dezan Shira & Associates, introduces the ASEAN Briefing website. This new website is dedicated to the various and increasing number of trade treaties and agreements throughout the ASEAN region.

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