Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Methods for Remitting Profits from India

Methods for Remitting Profits from India

This infographic offers valuable insights for expats looking to remit profits from India.


The Cost of Using Dividends to Repatriate Profits from India

The Cost of Using Dividends to Repatriate Profits from India

This infographic shows the taxes applied to dividends being remitted from an Indian subsidiary to its foreign holding company. Under the Dividends Distribution Tax, dividends distributed by an Indian entity are subject to a 15% tax.


Repatriation Strategies for Expats in India

Repatriation Strategies for Expats in India

This infographic offers strategies for repatriating profits from India, such as royalty programs and capital reduction.


What is the arm’s length principle of transfer pricing?

What is the arm’s length principle of transfer pricing?

The arm’s length principal states that that the price charged for goods or services between two related parties must be the same as the price that would be charged if the two parties were unrelated.  Therefore the arm’s length p...


What is contemporaneous documentation in China?

What is contemporaneous documentation in China?

Tax authorities across the world define contemporaneous documentation in different ways.  In China, contemporaneous documentation comes in the form of either a master file, local file, or a special file.  If tax authorities request document...


What effects will China’s new transfer pricing regulations have on the present...

What effects will China’s new transfer pricing regulations have on the present...

On June 29, 2016, China’s State Administration of Taxation issued Announcement No.42, updating the requirements concerning related company transfer pricing.  These new regulations have been put into effect in an effort to help Chinese tax ...


What is the significance of the comparable uncontrolled price method (CUPM) in C...

What is the significance of the comparable uncontrolled price method (CUPM) in C...

The Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method (CUPM) is used to establish the arm’s length price of a Related Party Transaction (RPT).  The CUPM does this by taking the given price of a transaction between two unrelated parties taking part in a...


How is the resale price method (RPM) used to determine the arm’s length price ...

How is the resale price method (RPM) used to determine the arm’s length price ...

The Resale Price Method (RPM) establishes the arm’s length price of related party transactions (RPT) concerning the purchase of merchandise.  The Resale Price Method generally applies to transactions regarding products rather than services...


What is the significance of India's 2013 Companies Act?

What is the significance of India's 2013 Companies Act?

The Companies Act, 2013, updates the information that must be included in the statement of repatriation of profits from a foreign company.  Additionally, the Act affects the statement of transfer of funds and the information that it should inclu...


What is the significance of India’s Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)?

What is the significance of India’s Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)?

India’s Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) was put into place in 1999 in an effort to promote the foreign exchange market in India.  Through FEMA, the Indian government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) work to adjust India’s t...


What is the significance of India's 1961 Income Tax Act (ITA)?

What is the significance of India's 1961 Income Tax Act (ITA)?

The Income Tax Act (ITA) states that all companies residing in India are subject to tax, whether their income is earned within the nation of India or abroad.  The government determines the residential status by the location from which a majority...


What are a company’s options for repatriating funds from a Wholly Owned Subsid...

What are a company’s options for repatriating funds from a Wholly Owned Subsid...

Foreign companies with long-term goals in the Indian business environment often choose to establish a Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS), as it offers a company more flexibility, longevity and a stronger legal foundation.  All funds repatriated throu...

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