Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Withholdings Rates in ASEAN Compared

Withholdings Rates in ASEAN Compared

This infographic compares the withholdings rate for different types of funds in different ASEAN member countries.


ASEAN Tax Filing Calendar

ASEAN Tax Filing Calendar

This infographic highlights key tax filing deadlines for those investing within ASEAN.


Ease of Paying Taxes in ASEAN

Ease of Paying Taxes in ASEAN

This infographic compares the ease with which taxes are paid in ASEAN countries.


What are the categories of taxes applicable to foreign businesses in ASEAN?

What are the categories of taxes applicable to foreign businesses in ASEAN?

There are numerous taxes categories which will be applicable for foreign businesses in ASEAN, including Corporate Income Tax(CIT), Personal Income Tax(PIT), and indirect taxes such as Value Added Tax (VAT) and Goods and Services Tax (GST). While PIT ...


How does Personal Income Tax work in different countries in ASEAN?

How does Personal Income Tax work in different countries in ASEAN?

Except for Brunei which employs no Personal Income Tax (PIT) and Cambodia a fixed 20 percent rate, most ASEAN members apply a progressive PIT regime wherein an individual is taxed according to how much they earn. Such regime results in individuals wh...


What is withholding tax and what are the three types of it?

What is withholding tax and what are the three types of it?

A withholding tax is a tax applied to funds that companies wish to send aboard. Countries in Asia typically divide withholding tax into dividends, interest, and royalties payments, with the amount of each varying considerably in each country. These a...


How is Corporate Income Tax (CIT) carried out in ASEAN and what are the differen...

How is Corporate Income Tax (CIT) carried out in ASEAN and what are the differen...

How CIT tax is carried out varies across ASEAN countries and is determined by a myriad of factors such as priorities of government, the nature of its economy, the country’s size and its level of development. Depending on the tax residency of th...


What changes or improvements can be expected from the taxation system in ASEAN c...

What changes or improvements can be expected from the taxation system in ASEAN c...

In the next five years, taxation in ASEAN will largely be characterized by two trends: convergence and transparency. While lowered rates will likely prevail in ASEAN’s developing economies to attract investment, countries such as Singapore and ...


Why do companies need a thorough due diligence about Corporate Income Tax when i...

Why do companies need a thorough due diligence about Corporate Income Tax when i...

With capital flooding into ASEAN countries as a result of reduced trade barriers, ASEAN countries have subsequently propelled CIT into the spotlight as a key driver of competitiveness. Countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam have reduced their CIT ra...


What is the current trend of Personal Income Tax (PIT) in ASEAN countries?

What is the current trend of Personal Income Tax (PIT) in ASEAN countries?

Individual income tax rates in ASEAN have for the most part been experiencing a downward turn in recent years. However, many countries have increased taxation in upper tax brackets to make up for this loss of revenue. For rapidly growing economies, t...


How could businesses benefit from a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement?

How could businesses benefit from a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement?

Depending on the countries to which profits are remitted, companies may benefit from lowered withholding rates if the origin and recipient country have signed a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA). Since DTAs are negotiated on a bilateral basis, countrie...


Besides identifying optimal tax jurisdictions, what are some of the other factor...

Besides identifying optimal tax jurisdictions, what are some of the other factor...

Besides analyzing and identifying optimal tax jurisdictions, there are other variables that determine the tax environment of a given market. Time, effort, and compliance required when filing taxes, in conjunction with the effectiveness of a governmen...

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