Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What was the first FTZ established in China?

What was the first FTZ established in China?

China’s first ever free-trade zone was established in Shanghai in September 2013. This FTZ was created to serve as a means to promote economic reform and facilitate foreign direct investment.


What is meant by the term ‘negative list’?

What is meant by the term ‘negative list’?

The term negative list is used to define industries in which foreign companies cannot invest and specifies restrictions or bans on certain types of foreign investment. This term was first introduced in the Shanghai FTZ in 2013 and has been updated tw...


What are the goals of China's three new FTZs?

What are the goals of China's three new FTZs?

The three new zones are intended to drive regional growth by encouraging selected industries to cluster in that area. It could be said that the biggest opportunity for foreign investors is the concentration of industries and the benefits that th...


What are “one-stop application processing platforms” used in FTZs?

What are “one-stop application processing platforms” used in FTZs?

One-stop application processing platforms were introduced to cut down on bureaucracy related time costs for company establishment. Under this platform all application materials will be submitted and handled through the industry and commerce authority...


China's Free Trade Zones

China's Free Trade Zones

This Prezi presents general overview of the four free trade zones in China.


How much is the penalty if enterprises miss tax deadlines in Vietnam?

How much is the penalty if enterprises miss tax deadlines in Vietnam?

A taxpayer who pays tax later than the deadline has to pay the outstanding tax liabilities plus a fine equal to 0.05 percent of the tax due for each day the payment is late.


How should the tax payment process be carried out in Vietnam?

How should the tax payment process be carried out in Vietnam?

Enterprises in Vietnam are required to carry out the tax process online. To simplify the tax payment process, the Ministry of Finance has issued Circular No. 110/2015/TT-BTC on electronic transactions in tax administration, which came into effect on ...


Can enterprises use different exchange rates for different items in Vietnam?

Can enterprises use different exchange rates for different items in Vietnam?

Enterprises in Vietnam may now use different exchange rates for different items. In particular, assets and liabilities are converted into VND based on the exchange rate at the end of the period, while the equity of a company’s owner is converte...


When is the deadline for tax declaration (monthly, quarterly and annually) and f...

When is the deadline for tax declaration (monthly, quarterly and annually) and f...

The deadline for monthly tax declaration is 20th day after the end of the month, for quarterly declaration it is 30th day after the end of the quarter and for annual declaration it is also 30th day after the end of the fiscal year. And deadline for a...


How to name the Representative Office in Vietnam?

How to name the Representative Office in Vietnam?

For enterprises which have more than one office in Vietnam, the name of each RO must include the city in which the RO is located. For example: “…in Hanoi, Vietnam”. If there is just one representative office within the country, the...


What’s the difference between Foreign Owned Enterprises (FOEs) and Representat...

What’s the difference between Foreign Owned Enterprises (FOEs) and Representat...

The process for PIT is similar between them, but the submission deadlines are different. For ROs, the deadline is based on the calendar year and for FOEs, the deadline is based on the fiscal year.


Transfer Pricing in China

Transfer Pricing in China

When a business transaction occurs between businesses that are controlled by the same entity, the price is not determined by market forces, but by the entity controlling the two businesses. This is called transfer pricing. Such transactions can serve...

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