Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How can a company reduce the number of staff in China?

How can a company  reduce the number of staff in China?

Chinese employees are entitled to two consecutive fixed-term contracts and then an open-term contract if requested by the employees. At the end of the first term, the company can simply choose not to renew the labor contract with that employee in ord...


What common labor related issues can arise during company divestiture in China?

What common labor related issues can arise during company divestiture in China?

If a company sells part of its assets and this part involves certain employees , the original labor contracts of these employees become  no longer valid and the purchasing company has the choice as to whether to  employ the current staff. T...


What are some of the steps required to settle labor issues when a company wishes...

What are some of the steps required to settle labor issues when a company wishes...

When a company de-registers and closes its operations, current labor contracts will be automatically terminated and affected employees will be entitled to the severance payment. In order for foreign companies to legally de-register, they need to...


How has Vietnam become an alternative to China when choosing a destination for i...

How has Vietnam become an alternative to China when choosing a destination for i...

China’s business environment has changed rapidly in recent years due to rising labor costs. As a result, more and more foreign investors have started to search for alternative markets. Vietnam stands out as the country most often offered as an ...


What industries are of particular interest when considering whether to invest in...

What industries are of particular interest when considering whether to invest in...

Exports of electronics have provided huge momentum for economic growth in Vietnam. The Vietnamese government offers special incentives to lure large foreign electronics investors such as LG, Microsoft, and Panasonic. That in return has propelled elec...


What advantages in tariffs does Vietnam have when trading with China?

What advantages in tariffs does Vietnam have when trading with China?

Vietnam’s inclusion in the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) amplifies its advantage of geographic proximity to China. As of January 1st, 2012, most Chinese Tariffs levied on Vietnamese imports including on key industries such as copper ...


What are Non-Wholly Originating Goods and why are they potentially a concern for...

What are Non-Wholly Originating Goods and why are they potentially a concern for...

Non-Wholly Originating Goods refer to exports produced using inputs from outside of a given Free Trade Agreement(FTA). When companies seek to adopt a China plus one production model and integrate Vietnam into existing supply chains, they might consid...


What advantages does Vietnam’s Dinh Vu Industrial Zone(DUIZ) have?

What advantages does Vietnam’s Dinh Vu Industrial Zone(DUIZ) have?

Advantages of the DUIZ lie in its proximity to various outlets for exported goods, its well-established facilities and regulatory assistance, as well as easily accessible high skilled labor pools for companies to jump start their manufacturing operat...


Why is the Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone(HKIZ) in Vietnam an attractive destination ...

Why is the Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone(HKIZ) in Vietnam an attractive destination ...

HKIZ attracts manufacturers from the garments and electronics industry as its infrastructure and facilities are structured to meet the specific needs of these growing industries. Services provided to the investors include access to water, electricity...


Why is the Vietnam Singapore Industrial Zone(VSIZ) in Vietnam a favorable option...

Why is the Vietnam Singapore Industrial Zone(VSIZ) in Vietnam a favorable option...

Located in Binh Duong province’s Thuan An district, the VSIZ has showcased Vietnam’s evolving capacity to host investors and to facilitate a variety of manufacturing from food processing to medical equipment. In addition to a series of ta...


Labor Dispute Management in China

Labor Dispute Management in China

In this issue of China Briefing, we discuss how best to manage HR disputes in China. We begin by highlighting how China'€™s labor arbitration process€“ - and its legal system in general€“ - widely differs from the West, and then detail the labo...


Converting from a Representative Office (RO) to a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterpris...

Converting from a Representative Office (RO) to a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterpris...

Isabelle Ding, International Business Advisory Associate in Dezan Shira & Associates' Shanghai office discusses how to convert from a Representative Office (RO) to a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) in China.

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